Chapter 18

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Emperor Michaelis I invited Celine to his private quarters later that night. The Emperor's personal servant barged in apologetically, and urgently ushered Celine out the door.

Because of the sudden notice, she had no time to layer her clothes and had to wear her loose fitted night gown.

Hala gave Celine a panicked expression. She couldn't voice her concerns because it would only add on to the lady's stress. She looked on helplessly and trailed after them.

"His majesty wishes to see Caelina alone." The servant explained.

Why was the lustful Emperor calling for Celine so late at night? She shivered, anxiously wondering why he couldn't have waited until the morning.

"Be careful my lady. I will go tell the Second Prince right away and see if-"

"No, don't tell him, Hala. Whatever happens, don't tell him." Celine gave her a grave look. She did not want to make a bigger deal out of this situation and involve the Second Prince. 

As they reached the Emperor's quarters, the guards announced Celine's presence.


The room was dimly lit, and the atmosphere seemed heavy with incense. Despite the alluring surroundings, the atmosphere was tense and eerie.

Alone with the Emperor in his chambers, Celine felt increasingly uncomfortable and stifle in this intimate room. 

"Good evening, your majesty, the Emperor of the great Zionitte Empire."

The Emperor was flocked by two concubines on both sides of his bed. They were beautiful and curvy, wearing nothing but gold bangles on their arms. He straightened his back at her formal greeting and smiled strangely. She ducked her head and bowed.

"Princess Caelina must have been very worried over why I summoned you at such an unforgivably late hour." 

"...." Celine shifted her gaze upwards. How was she supposed to respond?

"But I have some urgent news. Your father will be returning with the Crown Prince. He's the greatest general and my closest companion. I entrusted him with my son, while he gave me his daughter. Dennis Viliga wanted me to send my best regards to you." He announced with an impartial tone.

Celine was stunned. For 15 years, she had never asked about her family, nor particularly cared. She already knew she was abandoned, and didn't want to cross paths with her biological father. In her past life, Yeon-Woo's father had also abandoned her. Therefore, his return and sudden presence made her uncomfortable. Even their family name was foreign to her. 

"He took a second wife and gave birth to more children. They arrived to the capital today and requested a meeting with you. Would you like to meet them?"

Ah, this was why I was called to his chambers. His second wife must wanted to see me.

"Am I required to, your majesty?" 

The Emperor slightly raised his eyebrows as a concubine giggled into his ears. "No." 

"Then I would like to refuse the request, your majesty. I have no desire to meet them. This imperial palace has become my home and I would rather remain here." Celine bowed again, avoiding eye contact.

The Emperor laughed ridiculously. "Yes indeed you would like it here. I am sure you have someone you wouldn't like to part with."

Celine gave him a confused look. 

"Lately, you have been rather close to the Second Prince." 

Don't panic, Celine. It's just a question. You have nothing to be ashamed or guilty about. 

"Yes, he is like my brother." She raised her eyes to display her innocence. Yet, she couldn't help but feel dizzy and lightheaded. 

The concubines laughed and mocked her last word. 

"She said he's like a brother, your highness! Poor Zayden. Should I go comfort him?" The concubine with long, curly hair seductively caressed the Emperor. Celine wanted to avert her gaze from the nude woman in front of her. 

"Do you think siblings can not marry each other?" The second concubine snickered. She was less beautiful, yet more calculating and haughty than the other. "I wonder how the Crown Prince would feel if he found out that his woman was seducing his Krastian half-brother while at war with Krastia."

Celine cooly peered at the three lustful adults in front of her and wanted to let out a curse. She was offended, but she remained silent after observing the Emperor's piercing stare. 

Before she could think of a way out, Celine suddenly felt a protruding presence appear behind her. When she turned around, she stood face to face with a gorilla that stood taller than her. To say it precisely, she was half the height of the gorilla. The stocky animal stood with his bulging arms and broad chest covered in dark fur. Its breath was hot and foul.

Maybe it was because she didn't expect to see such a hideous beast towering behind her, but Celine trembled uncontrollably. 

The Emperor had suddenly summoned his familiar. It was an unnaturally huge gorilla!

"This.." She stuttered and started to back away. 

The familiar grabbed Celine's neck and lifted her into the air. She thrashed around and kicked nothing but the air as the gorilla took her closer to the Emperor. 

"It would be rather exciting if you could show me how you seduced the second prince." He smiled, scanning her body and lingering his lustful stares on her chest. 

She lifted her arms to pry open the gorilla's fingers fastened on her throat, but the familiar only gathered her arms on one hand while the other grasped her legs and pulled them. Celine screamed as she felt her body getting stretched. 

"Place her on the bed." The Emperor ordered. 

Celine didn't know when she had been tossed to the bed. Her head was ringing and her body was numb from the gorilla's powerful grip. Her vision was blurry, and she faintly felt the hands of the concubines tear her nightgown away while the Emperor roamed her body freely with his hands.

Celine's heart sank as she realized no one would come save her. Am I going to be raped? Was Caelina raped in her past life? 

She grit her teeth, and an onset of fear overwhelm her. Her heart was pounding while her breath became haggard as if suffocated. Unable to move from shock, her body started to shake and become deathly pale. 

The concubines continued to grab and pull at her arms, sucking and biting on her skin. Meanwhile, the Emperor aggressively pressed down on her skin and kneaded her chest. 

Before his hands could slide further down, a guard called for the Emperor. 

"Your majesty, there's an urgent letter from the Crown Prince. All the court officials have been summoned to the palace as an emergency."

The Emperor was annoyed but curious as to what the Crown Prince had to say. He tossed her away and dismissed the concubines before he walked away to the court room. 

Finally alone, Celine slow regained her senses and attempted to gather her strength. At first, her legs gave out and slumped to the floor. When she realized the Emperor could easily change his mind and return, Celine dragged her feet and quickened her pace. She ran as if her life depended on it. She didn't know where she was running to and couldn't process her surroundings as she sprinted down the hall. Her bedraggled form underneath the moon was like a fallen angel.

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