For Unforgettable Grace

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Chapter 15

AN (Please Read): It has come to my attention that too little is known about the tower to make a solid, in-depth, fanfic. We have seen too little of the true capabilities of Rankers as they were immediately shadowed over by Advanced and High Rankers. Too little is known as the floors in general with very little background information given on what functions where. Although the World-Building and story of ToG is mind-boggling and amazing as a reader, to create a non-mainstream fanfic...too little is known about the setting. The 10 Families, various organizations, the floors themselves, the outside world, and even Endorsi's real name. (Yes, Endorsi is not her real think, do you even know which family she is from? No. Obviously not despite being 500 chapters in)

I cannot write how Pandora becomes a ranker in detail because...we've never seen it before. I can only assume one passes the final test and 'boom', your name is on the Tower Rankings officially. I cannot write how Pandora will exit the tower because there is no way out, only vague theories. I cannot see how Pandora can pass onto the floors beyond without breaking the story.

From here on out, the story will have many many long timeskips. Covering Pandora's journey in fragments; skipping floors and minuscule details. In a similar style to my OneShot of 'The Biggest of Mothers' on the last chapter of the 'Welcome to the Charlotte family'.

Of course, some parts will be longer while other parts stretched out like the 'Princess of Jahad Arc'. I can see such a thing happening for a very specific train...

I would first like to apologize if this was not what you had expected a not-so-talented fanfic writer who just writes to burn time, I need the fictional-world itself to be explained in full if I am going to write long first person stories.

Floor 14

It turns out FUG never liked her or Yuri much and it was understandably so. We were both too powerful to be regulars and anyone with eyes could see that we were weapons in the process of creation. Powerful weapons to be used by their father, the King of the Tower.

The easiest way to kill a Divine Fish was to kill it when it was still in the egg...and that was what FUG tried to do.

Upon completing the floor exam with her team (Yuri, Lero, and herself), they were forced to meet a FUG ranker.A Ranker who risked his very life on being annihilated by the administrator for breaking a treaty...but religious zealots were fearless.

Fearless as they deemed their mission in higher order than anything including their lives, their families, and everything they held. Their belief and faith that their god will come to their salvation.

For Unforgettable Grace...what did that mean? Who's Grace is it referring to? Could Grace be a person? Why do they hate the Empire so much?

Regardless, her and Yuri were never given a chance to choose a side as it was chosen for them. The moment their names, Jahad, were granted they were eternal enemies of the greatest and most powerful criminal syndicate of the Tower. It was only natural that they would send a ranker to kill them before they got too strong. A Wave controller no less

A battle ensued...a battle in which her and Yuri were hopelessly outmatched and did lose but manage to hold onto their lives barely long enough for an awakening of her power. It was during this losing battle that she had once again slipped into a mind and challenged Phthonos...she who ruled Envy.

Knowing certain death awaited her on the outside, she spent years within her mind challenging the unforgiving aspect again and again. Each time she approached the slightly-less-than-perfect-in-all-aspect demon, she would find herself powerless over and over. The demon did not allow her to simply guess her power but rather she had to force herself forward with nothing.

PANDORA. Hope Dies Last: ToGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon