Family Blood

888 56 11

Chapter 18


*Zzzt* Teams. Submit your papers...

... ...

... ...

For the Carbonara Alliance

Worker: Quant Blitz

King: Lero-Ro

... ...

... ...

For Team Hoaquin

Worker: Stella

King: Hoaquin

Good Luck Regulars

On My Mark...Begin! *Zzzt*

The reserves were stuck in a different waiting room with a large screen that was live-streaming all that was happening on the field. For the carbonara Alliance, their representatives (King and Worker) Lero-Ro and Quant were already rushing about.

"You think they'll be alright?" Sachi, the sorcerer with red hair, asked.

"I have faith" Pandora replied "Besides, the slayer candidate from the other team didn't seem to be the thinking type either." She yawned involuntarily as she got ready to wait for hours if need be. "Why Hoaquin wears a crown when he is incapable of such things I would never know."

... ...

Quant Blitz, the Worker

Fitting the motive of a 'futuristic train' - however much of an understatement that was - the castle was designed like a floating castle complete with engines, navigational charts, and all the small luxuries and necessities within.

And there many missions! Some simple and sort while others would require his full attention (although they were worth the most gold).

"Well fuck it" He sent out his scouter to explore and map the full length of the castle as he ran towards the other end. He would waste no time in completing these missions. His team trusted him to do better than the other team...he would prove himself here and now.

(AN: A scouter is a small construct (often floating or invisible) which scouters often use to help them gather information. It is capable of calculating many things, sending information, and small helping functions directly to the scout)

Align Engine Output - Done

Align Telescope - Done

Assemble Artifact -Done

Buy Beverage - Done ...why was this a mission?

Calibrate distributor - Done

Clean filter - Done

Clean toilet - Done *dry hurl* ...someone didn't flush

Divert Power - Done

Dress Mannequin - Done. The Mannequin looked annoyingly like a specific black haired, loud mouthed, princess who loved to throw punches

Empty Garbage - Done ...he had too much experience with being the one to take out the garbage unfortunately

Enter Code - Done

Fix Weather Node - Done

Fuel Engines - Done

Insert Keys - Done. The keys were found and delivered by the scouter in time

PANDORA. Hope Dies Last: ToGWhere stories live. Discover now