Hopeless Reflection

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Chapter 22

"You sure you don't want to follow us?" Yuri asked the duo (Pandora and Lero) at the exit provided by the train.

With only the small door connecting the outside and the inside of the Hell Train, all four were able to smell the fresh air (or was it shinsu) which came from outside. Free from the metallic taint of the endless wall of steel of the train...free from the metallic taint of blood which flowed within the train.

"Yup. Sorry Yuri." Lero replied. "Someone has to stay behind to make sure the other crazy princess doesn't go around turning the train into one big pot to cook carbonara."

"...why didn't I think of that?" The stated-other-crazy-princess said. "Anyway Yuri. There's something I need to check for in this train...I'll see you in a month."

(A.N: In canon, the train only stays in the station for 2 days. For the sake of this story, I have changed it to a month.)

"Alright then Carbonara, try not to get yourself killed."

"I won't."

"Try not to cause a genocide either."

"I won't."

"Also try not to turn everything into carbon—*ouch!* Jahad! Pandora I was kidding!"

Pandora put her best friend in a headlock and rubbing her head in with her knuckles before she let her go. Yuri stood back rubbing her head painfully as she sniffled slightly.

"See you in a month."

... ...

Following Yuri Jahad and Quant Blitz

The two stepped off of the train steps and onto the massive train station. 'Name Hunt Station' was what is was called.

At first glance, it was obvious that this was a station like no other. As to begin with, there was little other than the station itself. Divided into three main floating islands, it seemed to be the only thing in vicinity as they could not see anything below or above.

"Well, at least the air's nice." Yuri said sarcastically as she looked around the new floor. It's been so long since she had seen the shinsu-illuminated sky. While it may not feel the same for the others, if she had to be in that train any longer, she most likely would have tried to find a way to break out of the train.

She has had enough of that stale air.

"Oh look. Is that a welcoming party?" Quant asked.

As the Ha Princess looked at the far end of where the station entrance ended, there indeed seemed to be a group of people waiting for them. Having lived in the tower for quite some time, both of them knew exactly what that meant.

"Quant, do you see a massive transport ship anywhere?"


"Or any other way off the station other than the train?

"For Rankers yes."

"Then it's quite obvious what these regulars are here for, no?"

"Obviously. To get burnt to crisps by my majestic flames!"

"No. It's for our tickets you pyromanic!"

The two bantered as they made their way slowly towards the greeting party, preparing to face the fun inevitable. Though a question did nag in Yuri's brain as she simply saw the scale of how many people were here.

"Hey Quant...wait a minute." Yuri motioned for Quant to stop. Pandora and Lero might call her an idiot but she came through with her thoughts when it was necessary...or when her battle sense was telling her something was off. And right now...this entire station was strange to her.

PANDORA. Hope Dies Last: ToGWhere stories live. Discover now