Chapter 12

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After two days,

Yash was in his cabin, still She isn't here.. won't she come today also.. her friend Dr.Deepak told only couple of days.. it's been 3 days she hasn't come to the hospital... Ahemm someone is dying to see their atom bomb (his mind mocks at him)... No no I'm not... It's just.. it's been 3 days and I'm worried if she is okay or not. Abhi, Ayush and Nisha kept teasing him since the day at the club, he would keep turning into a tomato with all their teasings. He was happy that finally Abhi had left to Mumbai today, uff finally one down two more to go.. what are you thinking Yash where will you send your brother and sister-in-law.. you are dead Yash.. they are going to feed you teases for breakfast and dinner.. lunch is the only time you are going to escape... I think Abhi was better... Thank god they didn't see me kiss her else they would have drowned me with their rain of teases.

Unnati was back at the hospital, Yash was thinking about Unnati and was walking towards the records room to get the previous records of his patient. Unnati had just then reached the hospital, she was going towards her cabin. She was glad to be back, in the past three days her friends had made her turn as red as a plum with their continuous teasing session, they had even kept a couple name for her and Yash, 'Yashi'. Everytime she tried to say something they would call the name and she would end up turning a bright shade of red. It was only Vedant who didn't tease her, he would be oddly quiet his eyes burning with an unknown emotion while the others continued to tease.

While on her way to her cabin, Unnati sees a doctor entering the records room and she too goes in wondering who would it be that too in the records room. She searches for the doctor not knowing who it is "Hello who is it.. doc where are you.. you need anything I'll help". Yash was startled as he hears her voice reverberating in the room, he smiles, she is here.. finally Ms.Atom bomb, his heart does a little dance on hearing her. He was about to take a step towards her voice but decides against it, let's play some hide and seek with her. He had never been the naughty kid, he has always been the calm and quiet boy even in school but now she was bringing out the naughty side of him.

When she doesn't hear any response she calls again and he also hears her footsteps approaching "Doc... doctor..". He takes slow steps without making any noise and hides behind a rack. All the racks were filled with files so she could not see him even though she was standing right behind him. "Huh! I saw someone enter.. where is the doctor.. nobody went out also.. what is this...was I imagining". He was smiling looking at her from behind, she was cutely scratching her head and scrunching her nose wondering if she really saw someone enter or not, Goshh!! Why is she so cute.. and her cute little pink nose.. I so want to kiss it again.

She shakes her head and decides to go back "May be I imagined.. I should go to my cabin", but before that she feels someone pull her holding her waist from behind, her back crashes into a hard chest, she was about to shout but before that he closes her mouth also with his hand. Her eyes widen in shock, "Mmmmm mmmm mmmmm mmmm", she struggles to get out of his hold. He bends closer to her ears and whispers "shhh calm down it's only me darling", the minute she realises it's Yash she stops struggling, a shiver runs down her spine as his breath fans on her ear.

He removes his hand from her mouth, she tries to turn around but he holds her still, he again leans in closer to her ears "Ummm.. not so fast darling..". She keeps shivering at the proximity as his breath keeps fanning on her ears "Yashh please", he smiles "You know something Ms.Atom bomb... I feel like I'm hearing a song hearing you talk softly..". His 'Atom bomb' gets triggered, she elbows him right in his stomach and he stumbles back holding his stomach "Oooouuuuu... Ouuuu". She turns around and runs to him "Shit!! Sorry was I too hard", he looks at her "You are mad Unnati.. who elbows someone like that", she glares at him "who told you to call me atom bomb.. I told you right I'm not one".

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