Chapter 17

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She slept like a baby holding his hand. He sits admiring her and caressing her forehead, I don't know when and how you have become so important for me Darling.. but you have.. now I don't feel like leaving you here and going anywhere.. I have to go back to Mumbai Darling but only I know how I'm stalling it... What do I tell them that my little atom bomb is here in Chennai and I can't come.. I didn't know this visit would give someone so precious to me.. I don't want to loose you by any chance darling.. my little Atom bomb.

He keeps caressing her forehead while she sleeps, just then her phone rings, he looks at the phone and it was Akshara, so he picks up the phone, "Hey Akshara". She was confused "Yash!?", He smiles "Yeah", she starts teasing him "Welllll Yash what are you doingggg with Unniiiii's phone". He smiles "She is sleeping.. so I picked up the phone.. and before you think further.. she is sick so she is sleeping". Akshara gets worried hearing that she is sick "What happened to her..", Yash "No nothing to worry.. it's just that she got drenched in the rain yesterday.. so she has cold and fever right now.. I'll take care you don't worry.. enjoy your honeymoon.. I'll tell her to call you once she wakes up". She feels relieved after knowing that Yash is there to take care of her "Okay.. take care of her and keep me posted on how she is.. and let me tell you one thing.. she doesn't eat anything at all when she is sick.. feeding her is the biggest task.. I have to blackmail her to make her eat.. just take care of that". He smiles "You don't have to worry about that.. I'll take care..", and they hang up.

He let's her sleep and goes out of the room, he goes to the kitchen to check if anything is there. There was nothing other than a few packets of Maggie and some snacks, what does this girl even eat while at home. He checks the fridge, there were a few vegetables and some rice. He makes kichdi for her with whatever she has in the kitchen. He completes making kichdi and was about to go wake her up when the door bell rings. He goes to open the door, he didn't know the person "Who are you?". The person looks at him "Who are you?.. and why are you at Unnati's house?", Yash looks at him "I'm her... Friend.. who are you". He looks at Yash "She has never mentioned about.. who are you.. where is she.. move", Yash stops him from going inside her room "She is sleeping.. let her rest". He tries to push Yash and go inside again but again Yash stops him "Stop it.. what are you doing.. she is sick let her rest na.. what your problem", the person glares at Yash "She is sick.. that's why I came to check on her.. and to take care of her".

With all the talking they were doing Unnati's sleep gets disturbed. She comes out of her room rubbing her eyes and calls him "Yash", in a soft baby like voice. They both look at her and rush to her, Yash holds her hand "Why you woke up.. I told you sleep na..", she keeps blinking looking at him in a half sleep state. The other person looks at her "Unnati.. how are you.. are you fine", she turns to look at him "Vedant". Yash looks at her "Is he your friend darling", Unnati nods "Yeah.. he is our Hayat's CMO.. and Vedant this is.. (she looks at Yash and smiles) Yash". Vedant glares at Yash as he calls her darling.

Yash smile at her "Okay.. come sit down". He holds her hand possessively and takes her near the couch and makes her sit down and he himself sits down next to her. Yash looks at Vedant "Aree.. Vedant you are still standing there.. come sit na", he having no other choice sits opposite to them. Unnati looks at Vedant "Vedant you need anything?.. I mean you here?", Vedant smiles looking at her "Satvik told me you are not well.. that's why I came to check on you". She looks at him confused "But how does Satvik know.. nobody knew except.. (she turns to Yash).. did you tell anyone.. Deepu or Akshu". He just shrugs "Akshara called while you were sleeping", she hits her head "I'll go bury myself in rat hole right now😶.. okay byeee".

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