Chapter 30

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Two week had passed, Yash and Ayush had checked the CCTV footage of the Hotel, they saw had he had been staggering and holding his head while coming out of the restroom. The later part of the footage was missing, they could see the time skip. Now they needed to find out who deleted the footage and the girl who was with Yash that night. Yash looks at Ayush "Anna.. why are we not able to find who deleted the footage.. someone or the other would have seen something right.. why isn't anyone coming up". Ayush looks at Yash "Our staff are doing their best Yash.. and most of our staff are the older people who have been here from dad's time.. and they have been loyal.. so we can't doubt anyone just like that.. don't worry I'm working on it".

Ayush gets a call just then, he smiles and picks it "Yeah.. okay I'll tell Maa.. don't worry.. it's okay.. I'll manage you don't worry.. do you want me to send the car.. okay careful.. yeah sure". Ayush cuts the call and turns to Yash, Yash looks at him "What happened is everything okay with Vadina", Ayush looks at him "It was not Nisha.. no one that you would want to know". Yash looks elsewhere understanding that it's Unnati he is talking about, they had not talked since that day well except for once when he had handed over the papers to her,

She had just said one thing "I don't need to see these papers to remember that I have only one month in this house or your life... It's already etched in my brain and heart don't worry.. whenever you ask me to sign the divorce papers I will sign", he had looked at her his eyes blazing "So desperately you want to get out of this relationship and marriage haan.. wow!! I didn't know this.. I don't understand why you even got married to me when you want to get out of the relationship so badly..". She tries to tell him but he stops her "Whatever it is I don't need to hear it now.. anyways I have signed these papers keep it.. later on when your trust again wavers you will need them.. so keep it.. or do whatever you want with it". He had stormed out of the room closing her room door with a thud after that.

Ayush was on a call with his mom "Avunu Maa (Yes Mom in telugu).. she won't come home for dinner..". Now that had caught his attention, Dinner was the only time he would see her apart from the one or two times in the hospital. He would ignore her like she didn't even exist even those times in hospital, she had even stopped going to the cafeteria for lunch instead opted to have it in her cabin itself. In the mornings she would leave before him to the hospital even though her reporting time was not earlier than his. Now he didn't understand who was avoiding who, whether he was avoiding her or she avoiding him.

Ayush continues "No Maa she said she has to meet someone.. I asked her Maa she said she will come back on her own.. Okay Maa..". Ayush disconnects the call and turns to Yash "Let's go home Yash.. Maa, Nanna and Nisha are waiting". Yash was still lost in his thoughts, Ayush taps his shoulder "Yash", Yash looks at him startled "Yes.. yes Anna". Ayush looks at him "Let's go home.. everyone's waiting", Yash nods and they leave for home. Yash gets into his car and starts driving, I didn't see her even once today.. doesn't seem I'm avoiding her.. everything seems like she is avoiding me.. Even Deepak doesn't come to the hospital these days yet she stays silently in her cabin.. after her hospital work she goes to take tuitions to those two girls in her appartment and comes back.. eats her dinner quietly and goes back to her room.. she is calm and collected while here I am going mad because of her.. I feel like pulling my hair out with everything that's happening..

how can she be so calm!! And go to meet her friend.. is she serious.. is this the time.. she can meet tomorrow also right.. but no! Like she ever listens to anyone.. and everyone at home keeps pampering her.. they wait for her to have their dinner.. Amma makes her favourites only these days.. huh!! It's like they all forgot that she doesn't trust their son. Nobody's behaviour towards Unnati changed in the family. Everyone spoke to her as usual how it was before. Infact Yash felt like now she was being given more importance, and he didn't like it one bit, he was in fact jealous that she was getting so much more attention in the family than him.

She would also be smiling and giggling while talking with his mom, dad, Vadina and Anna but the minute she sees him she would go silent. His family too avoided talking about her infront of him. They were fed up of telling him.. telling them both to talk to each other. On everyone's insistence Unnati had gone to Yash's room a week before but he had just slammed the door on her face post which they had stopped asking anything about it to her or him. Post that she had also restricted herself from going in front of him, only if there was no other way would she go out of her room in his presence else she would stay locked up in her room.

Yash and Ayush reached home. They both freshen up and have their dinner along with everyone. Yash keeps looking at the main door every now and then. Everyone notices him, Ayush looks at Nisha "Nishu what are you doing.. you said you don't want this na.. why are you waiting to have it now.. eat something else and give this to me", Nisha glares at him and whispers "You idiot taunt your brother with something else not my food dumbo..". Yash looks elsewhere knowing that Ayush is talking about him looking at the door and waiting for her.

Just when everyone was done with their dinner Unnati comes home. Seeing Yash in the living room she quickly goes to the kitchen and informs Lakshmi that she is home and goes up to her room and locks it. She freshens up and stands in the balcony of her room, the balcony was connected to Yash's. If he steps out he would be able to see her but knowing that he would not, she was just standing there looking at the stars and shedding silent tears.

Why.. why me all the time.. I thought even now I have someone to call my own.. but he.. he also.. he also stabbed behind my back.. he did this.. how could you Deepu.. how.. I thought that Vedant was blabbering things and went to shut his mouth once and for all.. about Yash and Deepak.. but I didn't expect this. Her eyes keep pouring tears thinking about everything she heard. She just then hears Yash's balcony door being unlocked, she wipes her tears and runs inside her room before he could step out. He hears the 'click' sound of her balcony door getting locked as soon as he steps out, he just shakes his head and turns away from her balcony.

She was sitting on her bed hugging her legs to her chest. She had been trying to call Deepak since the past two weeks but he wasn't picking her calls, she kept getting a message that it's switched off. When she tried to find out if he had applied for leave she came to know that he had resigned. She was shocked, she wanted to know what happened and kept calling him only to get no response. Today Vedant's revelation shocked her even more, he showed her the pictures of Deepak talking to that girl who was with Yash that night at the hotel.

She looks at their photo, hers and Deepak's, why did you do this Deepu.. I thought you were happy for me.. happy seeing me with Yash.. why did you do this to him.. put his reputation at stake.. my family's reputation at stake.. their business at stake.. I thought I'm like your sister.. well like your sister na.. not your sister.. probably that's why.. I don't want to believe this Deepu just pick the phone and say that you didn't do all this please.. come on Deepu. She keeps trying to call him again and again but ends up with the same message again and again, she ends up throwing the water bottle next to her against the wall in anger.

She lies down and pulls the duvet over herself but sleep was nowhere near her. Yash hears a crackling sound from her room and sits up on the bed with a jerk. He runs to her room but sees that her door is locked, he knocks on the door but there was no response. He goes to his balcony and jumps to the other side of the balcony which was attached to her room. The sliding doors of her balcony was locked, he knocks on it continuously for her to come and open as he could not see anything in the darkness.

She comes out of the bathroom hearing continuous knocking. She sees Yash knocking on the balcony door, she goes and opens it. He runs to her and hugs her "What happened darling.. what did you do.. are you fine.. did you get hurt.. are you hurt anywhere". He keeps checking her arms and legs for any injuries, her eyes wells up with tears hearing 'Darling' from him after a long time and seeing him worried for her. He keeps checking her arms "Tell me.. are you hurt.. is it paining..", she wipes her tears and looks at him "No I'm not hurt.. (she whispers to herself) physically atleast.. (she looks at him) it was the bottle.. nothing happened to me".

He realises he is holding her and hugging her, he removes his hold on her and looks elsewhere "We don't break things in this house.. just don't do anything stupid". She just nods looking at him, he leaves from her room. She locks the balcony door and comes back to the bed, her eyes again glistening, You still care for me baby.. you were worried just because you heard a sound from this room.. this is more than enough for me Yash.. I can live with this all life.. I love you Yash.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it ❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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