Chapter 7 The first time

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            Vivian pov

"Can you please stop moving for once Vivian?"

He says irritated and my grip on his collar tightens. It's not the easy , my back is killing me and I know it's not just a sprain.
Sharp pains hit me every few minutes and I bite my lip to hold in my screams.

Trying to conceal it from him.

"I...I am sorry...."

"If it's too can place me down."

He just looks down at me with a look of distaste and shakes his head in a no.

"Ethan please -"

"Shut up Vivian. I am not in the mood of a fight here. Being stuck with you here is already bad enough. Don't make it worse"

And that's when I zip my lips and just laid my cheek back on his chest. Thank god my make-up and concealer are waterproof,or he would have easily seen my scar till now.

The wet clothes were sticking onto my body and I feel my teeth cluttering with cold.

But there was no relief from it except for the heat emitted from his body.

His arms enclosing me, making a smile to escape my lips. It felt just like yesterday ,when it has been years since last he held me like this.

Enjoying how this feels, suddenly the night didn't feel as bad , I decide the stare at his face in the meanwhile.

Which looked beautiful under the moonlight.

His chiseled jaw, sharp as a razor. That perfect nose , those kissable lips.

If only I could touch them.

I don't know when ,but involuntary my fingers moved.
His eyes were closed and he looked peaceful

Like the silence before the storm.

My heart thudding in my chest ,as my fingers move closer.
A smile on my lips and my pains long forgotten.

My thumb rests on his cheek and I smile.

But my smile disappeared as soon as his stormy brown eyes opened and looked down at me.

"What are you doing?"

Came his cold voice and I gulp, lowering my hand.
Clenching them in fists and avoiding his burning stare.

"I asked what were you doing Vivian?"

He seethes. Clenching his jaw. His grip around my back tightening.


I reply ,to only have his gaze fixed on me.

"Don't you dare touch me again. Am I clear?"

My touch repulsed him to this extent? Is this the extent of his hate for me? When few years back he couldn't live without me,he couldn't resist me.

"We are already touching each other. It's not like you got burned with my touch."

He doesn't like me talking back,but I can't help it.I hold his stare.

"Burned is a small word. I get disgusted"

That was it, I can't hold this anymore.
I will die but I won't ask for his help again.

"Keep me down this instant. I don't need your help!"

He just stares, eyes burning in hate and then he nods.
Not arguing this time.

"As you wish,princess"

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