Chapter 27 Finding her.

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Ethan pov

How can she be so irresponsible!

Why the hell isn't she picking up my call!

And why the hell she didn't speak anything when I called her!

I swear I am going to give her a good punishment for fuc*** with my brain cells like that.
I know I was a bit wrong in persuading her to shoot...but I did it for her own good.

In the long run when she is a successful independent women, she will herself thank me for it.

Outside I rejected the long list of models, who wanted to do this shoot.
For what you ask?

For her.

And see where it got us. Hell I even asked sorry for leaving her all those years back.

What else does she want from me?

To rub my nose on her heel and plead her?
I was young, I was stupid.

I agree.

But she has to understand that she didn't suffer alone.
How could I see her face after knowing she has murdered my best friend.

Only a saint could do that.

And I was no way near.

"Fuc** Vivian! Why do you have to be like this!"

Cursing ,I speed through the highway. Tracking the location my investigator sent me.

I reach it to only rush it.

It looked like a cheap club and my anger towards her rose like a volcano.

Just wait my little Phoenix.

I will definitely punish you for this stunt of yours when I get you back home.

Pushing aside sweaty bodies,I try finding her to only have some who*** throw themselves at me, trying to touch my chest and seduce me.

Pushing them aside I checked ,each and every corner to find her no where.

Running my hand through my hair, I looked around at the neon lights.
Getting really restless.

Where are you dammit!

I look at the bartender and pull out my phone, showing him her photo.
He immediately recognised her and hope rose in my chest.


"She was here few minutes ago. Those guys there misbehaved and she left."

I turn around to see where he pointed and my hands clench into fists.

A group of 4 boys boys stood there, drinking and laughing.
Their words, making me see red.

"She was really something man. Her ass and sass were both....'

The other asks, urging him to continue.

"Were what hot?"

The other moves his head a no. Raising his finger and winking at his friends


They all chuckle and I couldn't stop myself.
Nor was I responsible for what happened next.

Holding the man's collar from behind, I pull him off the seat and he stumbles back falling down.

"What the hell do you say ! You piece of shit!"

"What...chill man! What's your problem!"

Moving closer to him ,I pick him up by holding his collar.
As he tries to break free.

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