Chapter 37 The welcome

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"You were chasing it blindly, oblivious of everything

Running, stumbling , weeping in the desire to get that one thing.

Unknown of the one, standing behind you.Drenched in the rain.

Holding an umbrella , to give you respite ,despite her pains."


They walk in ,with the staff at their leads. Taking in their luggage.

Vivian's footsteps stop suddenly. Looking at the big doors. Breathing heavily.

She has met her in law's only few times, but now. It was time to finally be welcomed to the family.

To Ethan's family which was now hers as well.

The word 'family' has only given her pains in the past. Loosing her mother, suffering through her step father Roman and Aliza's hatred.

Clenching her fists,she feels nostalgic and anxious about this. To be only surprised by warm fingers sliding in her palms.
Interlocking her fingers with them.

"They love you already."

Ethan says, looking down at her and she just nods. Trying to pull her hand out of his grip, to only have him tighten his grip.

Looking in front, he pulls her along.
With hands intervened.

They enter to only have Ella rush in with a bright smile on her face. Opening her arms,she engulfs Ethan in a long hug, making Vivian stand there awkwardly.

"Oh my boy. I have missed you so much!"

"Mom!Ehhh are you planning to kill me?"

He says,as she holds him in a tight grip to only have her hold his ear.

"Owwww Mom! I am not a kid anymore!"

A chuckle leaves Vivian's lips and that's when Elle's eyes land on her. A soft smile escaping her lips.

Vivian sobers up, cleaning her throat and bowing.

"Good...good Evening Ma'am."

Before she knows, Ella pulls her up. Hugging her. Making Vivian's eyes to widen.
The felt like her mother's.

Warm and loving.

It's been so long since she has been hugged like feels like home.

And Vivian can't help smile. Hugging her back.

"Vivian my daughter! Drop this formality!"

She nods, to only have Elle hold her face in her palms, admiring her.

" I am your mother dear. Call me mom from now on! "

Vivian again nods, lowering her eyes in shyness.

"Oh gosh my daughter is so beautiful!"

And that's when Elle places a tender kiss on Vivian's forehead, making Vivian's heart to beat rapidly in her chest.

"Tha..thank you"

She says making Elle to chuckle. Pulling her for a side hig, Elle looks at Ethan

"How did my stupid boy got so lucky to have you?"

Vivian blushes, to only have Ethan tilt his head to a side, and hold up his hands in surprise.


"It's all because of this boy that I was seperated from my daughter for 4 months! Mom I need independence! and my wife need our personal space...Mom I am busy in my work..we can't come for the dinner!"

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