Chapter 52 Reunions and heartbreaks

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"I always thought love was like a soft breeze which will engulf me in its warmth .

To only have you come in like a raging storm.

Upheaval my entire world.
To only leave me begging for more."

- suzangill


Vivian wakes up with a pounding headache, her eyes taking in her surroundings.

"Lay down Viv."

She hears a soft voice, surprised to see Elijah sitting beside her. Looking tired and drained.


"Wh...are are we? How did you find me?"

She looks around to find them in a room with men stationed outside the door.

"Relax Viv. You are safe now."

And that's when she remembers the accident before she lost consciousness. And her heart pounds in her chest.

"Ethan...where is he?"

She asks trying to get up, to have Elijah place her back on the bed.

"You are hurt Viv. Lay down."

She doesn't care, moving aside the comforter. She struggles with the vires attached to her.

"Where is Ethan Elijah?"

Elijah's silence made her pull out the tubes attached to her. Getting up ,she wanted to see him.

"Sh** Vivian! What are you doing! Please calm do-"

"I can't calm down Eli! I have to see him! He..he...I remember him embracing me when...the truck was coming..."

"Please tell me....tell me where is he?"

"He...I...I ...."

He isn't able to speak and she pushes him back, wearing the slippers. Rushing to go out.

"Vivian wait!"

She feels dizzy . To only see someone in front of her. Looking up she is in shock to see Delia there, holding her firmly.


Vivian whispers in disbelief, to have Delia smile sadly.
Viv wraps her arms around her, hugging her.

"Come Viv. You need to rest."

Del says, to only have Vivian move her head in a no. Her words rushed and stuttering.

" saved me ? Right? You...must be knowing where Ethan is? He is 6 ft, brown eyes....he was accompanying me...he was driving the car !"

Delia just stares at Vivian. Not knowing how to tell her this.

"Come. First sit Vivian. "

She says, trying to pull her arm. To only have Vivian pull her arm from her hands .

"No Del! Tell me now please! I need to know! Please!"

She nearly begged Del, who shared a look with Elijah. Sighing she continues.

"Actually Viv....the attackers were almost there. The car was crushed badly and....we didn't had time."

Viv nods desperately. Asking her to continue. Her eyes hopeful.

"I am sorry...we didn't had time. I could only save one and....he was in a very bad condition...his survival was difficult.....and he urged me to save you."

" sorry...he... couldn't make it"

Vivian's hand drops from Delia's shoulder. Stepping back from her.
Her eyes wide and heart aching like never before.

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