Chapter 13 - Room (Edited)

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There's more of Manu Rios pics at the end of this chapter


I shut the door behind me and let out a sigh of relief as I walked to the living room where my parents had been sitting having a discussion like when everything was normal.

"Hey, how was school?" My dad asked standing up to give me a hug and so did my mom.

"It was okay as usual" I said as they released me from the hug.

"How did it go with Mr. Ferriera?" My mom asked as she passed me some cookies on the table.

"I have a new job now... I will be working as his younger son's assistant" I said as I took a bite out of my cookie I got from the cookie bowl that never seems to get empty.

"Assistant?!" My dad asked in a tone that made me somewhat wonder if I had made the right decision or not.

"Umm.. yeah... there's this... meeting tomorrow and I have to help him prepare for it" I said and they nodded in understanding.

"How long will you be his assistant?" My dad asked.

"I... actually don't know yet.. but I will be going to his house this evening and I'll sleep over there and then come back tomorrow evening"

They was silence for a few seconds as I watched them communicate with their eyes without saying a word.

"Okay, but we'll have to keep in touch with you and know how things are going" My dad said and my mom nodded in agreement.

"Oh I almost forgot" I said as I remembered something Daniel's dad had given me earlier.

I brought out four envelopes which he had given me.

"Here, he gave these to me to give you guys" I said as I gave the first five to my dad and I kept the last one for myself as it had names written on it but I waved it in the air for them to see, I have never really hid anything from my parents.

"Oh my God" my dad said as he brought out the paper inside the envelope which from its size I could tell it was a cheque.

"There's one for everyone of us... how did he remember all our names?" My mom asked as she picked up the rest of the envelopes and skimmed through them.

"I... might have told him about us... but not in full detail. He was really pleased with what I did and he also said dad and him are friends" I said as I picked up another cookie.

"Yeah... indeed we still are" my dad said more to himself and a smile plastered on his face. He looked like he was having a moment of nostalgia as old mementoes came flooding back.


I went to the bathroom and freshened up for the rest of the day. I decided to leave my hair curly for now since it was just for the evening.

I took the important things I might need and put them in my bag as it is almost time for me to go. I wore a black hoodie and black joggers with black sneakers... yes I do have a thing for the color black.

"...Take care of yourself" My mom said as she hugged me once more.

"I'll give Mr. Ferreira a call and you do a great job, okay?" My dad said as he patted me in the back.

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