Chapter 25 - Little Fights (Edited)

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When Daniel said it was going to be a party, he was wrong. It was an understatement.

We arrived a few minutes late at a part of the house I have never seen before (not like I have ever visited this house so many times to know all the nooks and crannies). A big fancy hall with indoor plants, big chandeliers and a water fountain at the center which you could see the inside of even 10 feet away through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the entrance.

Lights illuminated the Evening and music could be heard from somewhere in the garden where people were being interviewed in the red carpet going on (who holds a red carpet in a party?). I have never seen this much celebrities up close in real life before.

This was a billionaires party and some part of me wanted to go back home because I started having this feeling... like I don't belong here kind of feeling.

"Did he say Party? or Gala?" Jake asked as we looked at the scenery around us with a mixture of bewilderment and amazement written all over our faces.

Addison, Jake and I stood in the midst of the garden near the hall where many hefty men in black suit stood around the entrance which was very intimidating as they only allowed the high class business men and women go into the exquisitely decorated hall.

We finally walked to the entrance doors where the hefty men stood and they looked at us with spiteful eyes..

"Hey-" I began to speak but was cut short by one of the men.

"Who are your parents" he asked in a deep voice.

"I- we- we're on invite" I replied stuttering a little as the other men began looking at us.

"May I see your cards?" He asked again in an even deeper voice and this time around I had a feeling he knew he was being intimidating and was enjoying the outcome.

"We don't have one-" I said

"We forgot it on our way here" Addison piped in and I gave her a what the fuck are you doing eye and Jake following suit.

"This is not a place to joke, please step aside or I'll be forced to kick you out" The man said getting angrier.

"What he mean meant to say was that we don't have one because we forgot it-" Addison started her fake explanation with the puppy dog eyes I'm very familiar with (it works wonders) but was cut short by a familiar voice behind us.

"Because I forgot to give them" Daniel said stepping in front of us.

The man looked at Daniel then us before stepping aside to let us in but as we walked in I looked back to find his staring at us with some kind of angry look.

"Thanks for that, I don't know what we would have done... if you haven't found us on time" I said to Daniel as soon as we were far enough from the entrance.

"My plan was working" Addison said punching me a little on my arm.

"Yeah your plan to get us kicked out, that for sure was" Jake said laughing a little which caused Addison to glare at him.

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