Chapter 16 - Unexpected Cuddles and Paparazzi (Edited)

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There is a change of POV in this chapter


I moved my body a little and I felt a direct contact with some other person. I was taken aback a bit as I opened my eyes to see Marc lying next to me and my hand around him.

I froze as I did not know what to make of it or how we even got into this position. I slowly removed the blanket from my body and made my way to sit up from the bed without waking Marc up who was still sleeping peacefully not really minding the little sunlight hitting his face... how adorable-

Why did I even think that? I thought to myself as I sat up from the bed I looked at the clock and it was already 7:35am in the morning I still had till around 11am for the meeting. I looked at our work from yesterday and still can't believe we got this far.

Lazily, I had to pull myself out of my comfy bed and begin my journey to the bathroom to freshen up as quietly as I can.


I had finished brushing when I came back to to my room to get my outfit for the meeting when I saw Marc getting up from the bed.

"Hey, Good Morning" I said as I took a bottle of water from the little round table where our work was.

"Good Morning" he said in a hoarse voice.

"Ready to start the day?" I asked smiling a bit as I had some glint of positively in me.

"Yeah..." he trailed off and looked at the digital clock by the night stand.

"I'll go freshen up" he said as he stands up and makes his way to the bathroom.

I used this time to go pick out an outfit from my closet, there are like hundreds of outfits here which I know I have never worn at least up to 50% of what's here. Maybe a tuxedo will do, I thought to my self, but what color?. After a while of pondering and looking through the different ones, I settled for a black one which had a cool white outline on the edges.

I made sure to gel my hair back and tied it at the end in a manly bun. I went to my shoe area and picked out a black Versace shoe after then I went to the wall body mirror and examined myself for a while making sure everything was perfect.

I walk out to see Marc, with his wet body and nothing else but the towel that was tied round his waist. I could see his very muscular body which he covers all the time, I haven't seen him doing anything sport related or gym related either but damm this guy was hot-

What the hell Daniel, complimenting another guy and admiring his features? What's happening to me?

"What's wrong?" I asked as I tried my best to focus on his face and not anywhere else.

"Did you forget something?" I ask again as I could see he was feeling a little bit embarrassed.

"Uhh... I-I don't have anything to wear" he said looking away a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, that's not a problem... that door over there is the closet" I pointed to the door I just came out from

"You can go and pick any tuxedo you like and shoes too" I said as I turn away to go put on my signature cologne and also because I didn't want my head thinking elsewhere if I kept looking at this boy in my room right now.

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