Chapter 8

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We are outside of The Cube Casino...

Jisoo pulls up outside, me Jackson and Seulgi get out of the car and stare up at the massive building.

People with fancy cocktail dresses and tailor made suits walk in and out of the building, as light pours out of the big windows.

I was wearing a jet black suit with a white button up shirt, with the first 2 buttons undone that was tucked into my jet black suit pants. Seulgi was wearing a maroon top which was tucked into her dark purple suit pants, while wearing a dark purple fitted blazer. Jackson was wearing a navy blue suit, with a light blue shirt that was tucked into his navy blue suit pants, he also is wearing a navy blue tie.

I see Jisoo roll down her window.

Jisoo: I'll be right here if you need a speedy get away.

She hold up a thumbs up at us.

Lisa: we know but hopefully everything goes smoothly but always stay close.

I nod at Jisoo as she parked where other private drivers parked.

Lisa: ok guys, remember to keep your earpieces in so we can communicate in case we get separated. 

Seulgi and Jackson nod at me before we all enter the casino. It's time to play.

As we walked in we saw many rich and wealthily people laughing loudly as they boast about how much money they have. I have never seen so much shallow and snobby people in my life.

I look at my side and see Seulgi and then with the blink of an eye she vanished from my side.

Jackson: where did she go?

I was more confused then Jackson was.

Lisa: your guess is as good as mine.

We walk around acting like regulars.

10 minutes later....

We spot a familiar figure at the bar..... Kang Daniels. Me and Jackson look at each other.

Lisa: and there's Daniel just where Bambam said, getting his drink before he blows off some money.

Seulgi: I'll have to get close to make the lift.

Me and Jackson jumped a little.

Jackson: where were you?

Seulgi rolls her eyes

Seulgi: I needed to take a wazz

Me and Jackson nod and then we approached the bar As though we were ordering drinks.

Jackson: he has a bodyguard with him

Jackson sounded worried

Lisa: do you think you could distract the his bodyguard somehow? We need to separate them.

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