Chapter 21

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Me Seulgi and Jackson entered the bridal room and we are automatically caught up in some bustling activity.

Bo-Young stands in front of a large mirror, her hair and makeup being touched up while her dress was being tweaked and pinned up into place. She spotted us

Bo-Young: guest aren't supposed to be here!

She says in shock.

Jackson quickly made his way to Bo-Young, nearly tripping over the assistants are on the floor adjusting her train.

Jackson: no no no, this is all wrong we need to fix this quickly!

Jackson jumps into a character. Is he trying to be her hair stylist.

Chaos starts to happen when Jackson starts speaking to the stylists and Bo-Young looks at him with bewilderment.

Bo-Young: who are you?

She looked at Jackson with confusion.

Lisa: he's your hair stylist

I informed.

Bo-Young; but I've already seen a hair stylist, she took an hour~~~

Jackson cuts her off as he acted annoyed

Jackson: clearly I should of came here sooner, the product she used were all wrong.

Bo-Young looks at Jackson, he definitely made her nervous.

Bo-Young: you think it looks bad?

She says while looking at herself in the mirror.

Jackson: you need natural waves not some style you find in the 50s.... but don't worry I'll set this right!

Bo-Young nods at Jackson as Jackson belts out orders to the stylist in the room, he is 100% into this role.

As Jackson does his thing me and Seulgi took our chance and sneaked through the vent in the far corner, making our way to the vault access hall!

A grid of red lasers stretch between us and the vault door, casting a red glow on the hall.

Lisa: it's time for some fun.

You could hear the laser beams hum when your in silence.

Seulgi: It's show time

And just like that Seulgi launches herself in a flip, over the closest beam! She springboards off her hands. Then flattens to the floor. Is she wanting me to follow her.

Lisa: damn... nice moves.

Seulgi gracefully darts herself between the laser beams in a seamless dance. When she reaches the vault door she turns to me in a grin.

Seulgi: it's your turn.... you got all of that right?

I shake my head causing Seulgi to roll her eyes as she easily slips her way back to me. How the hell is she going through these laser beams so easily.

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