Part 5

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"Oh my god." Glenn said.

"What the f--" I started

"Where the hell's our van?" Daryl cut me off.

"We left it right there. Who would take it?" T said voicing my thoughts.

"Merle.." Rick stated.

"What'd we do now??" Glenn asked.

I started walking away, "We walk back."

The others followed soon after.

Time skip brought to you by me being lazy

We finally made it close to the camp while it became darker. Thank god. That's when we heard gunshots we all ran full speed back to the camp. Me in the lead and rick close behind. When we got there walkers were attacking the camp eating everyone that wasn't fast enough to protect themselves. I yanked my machete off my belt and began killing them hopefully this would keep at least some of our group alive.

Rick shot five of the Walkers, Daryl killed four, two with the butt of his rifle, Glenn shot two, T-Dog shot one and killed another with the butt of his rifle, I killed four with my machete, and two with my knife. We had killed all of the walkers but at what cost?

I stepped back to survey the damage. Amy. Ed. Others that I didn't really know. All dead. I stepped back until I hit my tree. I crawled up it and watched the others grieve.

"Amy. I don't know what to do, Amy. Oh, Amy. Oh, no-no." Andrea said choking on her sobs.

Amy touched Andrea's cheek to let her know she loves her and then she died. Carl also began to cry when he saw how Amy died. 

At some point, Daryl climbed up into the tree with me. He grabbed my hand so softly I almost didn't realize he had done it. He looked at me softly and gave me a sad smile. After a few moments, everyone went back to their tents to grieve. Daryl and I stayed in the tree in silence.

"Y/n? Do you- you still wanna tell me what you remember?" Daryl stuttered.

I shifted so that I was sitting between his legs and laying on his chest looking away from him in the tree. (I hope that makes sense.)

"My mom sh-- she was somewhere.. I'm not sure where at this point. y father wanted me to get somethin', something stupid I'm sure. I refused stupid idea," I paused gathering my words. Daryl wrapped his arms around me hesitantly. I continued after a moment, "My dad, he uh, wasn't too happy bout that. he punched me, right across my face.. kicked me in the stomach I think. I was unconscious....." I trailed off when I started again I was whispering and tears were falling across my face, "When I came to.. he threw me in out fruit cellar.. locked me in there for days.. four I think... I never told you how bad it was in there, Dar-bear it was so dark and so cold. Most I remember from it, was scratching the door until my hands bled and passing out from crying so much, and lack of food and water..." I stopped not wanting to continue.

"Darlin' that won't ever happen to you again... I'm here. and I ain't leaving you again. i knew you didn't tell me all about what happened. I'm glad you did. No one will ever ever do that to you again. not while I'm around" Daryl said after a few minutes.


"Dar-bear...?" she whispered.

I smiled at the nickname, though I doubt she could see it. "Yeah..?"

"you promise. promise you won't leave me again." She asked me.

I turned her so that I could look at her. I knew she was crying. I could hear it in her voice I wiped some tears away and said, "I swear darlin'. Now come. I doubt these assholes had a tent for you. You can stay with me.." I stuttered a bit.

She smiled but still looked surprised. "are you sure Daryl?"

"Course It'll be like old times... we'd stay in the woods.. sleep under the stars... it'll be fun."

She nodded and I led her down the tree and to my tent away from the others.

"Sleep. Shane's On watch. I don't have to watch tonight I'll be here if you need." I whispered as she crawled inside my tent and I zipped it up behind us.

"Good night Dar-bear" I heard her whisper.

She fell asleep as soon as she hit the floor. I stayed up a bit. Just watching her breathe in and out. She looked so peaceful. So beautiful. I leaned down and softly kissed her forehead. I don't know why. It just felt right.


I felt Daryl place a kiss on my forehead. He must've thought I was asleep or something. I felt him settle down next to me. I woke up just before the sun came up and Daryl's arms were wrapped around me. I laid there just comforted by his touch but eventually he woke up and walked out of the tent I followed soon after.

I walked over to where Lori, Rick, and Daryl stood off to the side of Andrea and Amy.

"Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girl's a time bomb." Daryl said.

"What do you suggest?" Rick asked. I could tell the previous night took a toll on him. It took a toll on everyone.

"Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance."

I spoke up as I joined them, "Nah uh Daryl. Let her be."

He gave me a look and I shot back with a hushed, "If anyone knows how she feels it's you and me."

"Yeah yeah, you're right y/n"

Daryl walked off to help Morales with the bodies.

"Y/n? Right?" Lori asked me.

"Yes. God, I've never even had a conversation with you. I even brought your husband back and never spoke to you I'm sorry." I responded.

"Oh, no worries. It isn't exactly the most important thing right now. But I wanted to ask you. How do you do it?" She asked baffled.

"Lori do what?" I asked just as confused.

"You can calm Daryl down with a simple word. Hell, even a look. He basically only spoke with his brother. Then you came along. I don't think anyone would've missed the way he lit up when he saw you."

"The Dixon brothers and I go way back... Daryl and I mainly. We met when we were 9. Stayed around each other every since. We come from similar.... situations. We understand each other on a deeper level than anyone else." I finished. A small smile came to my lips remembering the nights we would meet up in the woods and talk for hours.

"Right... and do either of you know how in love you are with each other." She stated.


'she knows. she knows. and I know she knows.'

I hope you liked the chapeter.

word count 1143


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