Part 17

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"It's just. These people, this group. I don't know Y/n..."

"What do you mean?" I asked softly grabbing his hand.

He took it and pulled me a little closer then continued, "I'm better on my own, with you. I don't know about them... they just...our groups broke after losing that many in Atlanta, and whatever's goin' on with Shane and Rick, I don't like it. Too much we don't know. We just need to find Sophia. but Y/n... I don't know about staying with them. We don't know 'em. And Merel's still out there, somewhere..."

"I know Daryl... We'll find Merel. We can go looking after we find Sophia. I promise. But... I really think we should stay in the group... I know we don't know them. There's a lot we don't know I know that, but it's better to side with them than the dead. We can't go off on our own. I know we're better off, but this group... It is broke, I'll agree with you on that... but maybe we should try to fix it," He sighed but I continued, "Please Daryl. Can you try?"

"Ok..." He sighed and gave me a kiss on the head.

"We can do this."

"Together?" He questioned.

"Together. Always together Daryl..."

We stayed like that for a few moments, just sitting up in the tree close to each other. Until he asked, "You wanna go find the little girl?"

"Yeah... Let's go."

We climbed down the tree and headed past the farm to the woods behind it. We backtracked to the spot where I left Sophia and followed her trail from there. We searched for hours and hours. The only thing that was adding up to anything was the number of walkers we killed doing so.

"Is there anything?" I asked Daryl quietly. He was a better tracker than me 100% but I still knew a thing or two.

"Nothing... not yet... Maybe we ain't looking in the right place..."

"Maybe... Dar-bear I think we should head back. See if they have found anything or if they're planing a bigger search or something. We shouldn't be out here this long this far from the farm.." I said a little uneasy.

"Are you okay..?"

"Yeah I just, Kinda have a weird feeling. It's fine. Let's just go back see if they found anything or need any help." I responded. I didn't know what was wrong but I knew I wanted to be away from this part of the woods.

"All right." He responded. We started walking away and he clearly sensed my discomfort ad he wrapped an arm around my waist. 

"Thank you," I whispered turning closer to him as we walked.

He hummed in response and we kept walking. We walked for quite a while until we reached the farm. We walked past the wells to see some of our group pulling a rope at something in the well...? Daryl had a mirrored confused look on his face and we walked over.

They practically didn't acknowledge us besides a few nods. I looked into the well to see what the hell was going on. Why they were pulling... or pushing a rope into a well.

"Oh hey, Y/n," Glenn called as if being in a well with an ugly as shit bloated walker was no big deal.

"What the hell????" I practically screamed. A few of them looked up from the rope to me screaming at them.

"Y/n! Shut up we have to concentrate!" Andrea yelled without taking her focus off the rope..

The walker started snarling, and it drew our attention away long enough for Glenn to drop several feet closer to the walker. 

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Guys, get me out!" Glenn screamed. 

"Come on, you guys." Shane called and Daryl and I wasted no time helping them pull the rope. 

They don't know about us (Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now