Part 21

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I started making my way to the house when I saw Andrea rush up.

"Y/n! Wait, wait!" She shouted before I could go over there and rip her head off after screaming at her, Maggie jogged up and started talking other subtly leading her away from me. I smiled softly, I've missed maggie a lot since I've been gone. I began walking again when I saw Glenn milling about, I decided to talk to him to calm down before I went to see Daryl.

"Glenn hey." I said as nicely as I could.

"Oh hey Y/n, is Daryl okay?"

"Uh, not sure I'm gonna go check in a bit. You seem off, something wrong?" I asked noticing the way his stance was a bit abnormal.

"You and Maggie were friends before all this right?" Glenn asked timidly.

"Well yeah, we've been friends for going on... three-four years now. Why what's up?" I asked smiling a little. I should've guessed it would be about Mags.

"Well, when we went on that run the other day... wekindasortamaybehadsex." Glenn said stumbling out the last part as fast as he could.

"YOU WHAT? AND SHE DIDN-" I started to scream before Glenn covered my mouth.

"Scream louder I'm sure her dad would love to hear seeing as he already hates everyone except you." Glenn said sarcastically.

"Sorry sorry sorry.." I said slowly trying to catch my breath.

"Well she said it's a one-time thing... and I just... I know I don't want it to be.. so I was wondering if she was just saying that's what she wants... when she really wants something else... and  I just I don--"

I cut Glenn off as he started to ramble, "Glenn, I'll ask Mags about it. You need to chill out, go see if you can go help Dale or T or someone with something to take your mind off it." 

"You'd do that for me?" Glenn asked confused.

"Course. You're my best friend and so is Maggie, and quite frankly I wanna know what's going on between you too just as bad as you do, so yeah I'll help."

"Thank you Y/n. Can you ask her to meet me in the barn at dusk?"

"Yeah I will, Imma go check on Daryl now." I said beginning to turn around.

"Oh hey, Y/n?"

"Hmm?" I responded turning back to face Glenn.

"You remember when we first went on a mission in Atlanta? We went to go get Rick's bag of guns?" He paused and I nodded remembering. "Well, I know you rejected saying that Daryl was your boyfriend back then, but that's changed now hasn't it?" Glenn asked cheekily.

"Gah! Yeah... Before we went to the CDC. How'd you know?" I responded after a moment deciding it was better not to lie about it to Glenn.

"Because you look at him the same way I look at Maggie." He said smiling softly.

I smiled in response to that, "Glenn, if you tell anyone, I will make it my personal mission to drag you out of the RV in the middle of the night and feed you to walkers mmkay?" I asked smiling but in a serious tone. Glenn clearly got the message because he quickly agreed and I said my goodbyes to go check on my Daryl.

"I found it washed up on the creek bed right there. She must have dropped it crossing there somewhere." Daryl said pointing to a section of the map. Rick sat next to him trying to find an easier way to find Sophia as Hershel tended to Daryl's wounds and Shane sat in a chair next to where I was standing.

"Cuts the grid almost in half." Rick said looking pointedly at Shane.

"Yeah, you're welcome." Daryl responded.

"How's he looking?" I asked Hershel.

"I had no idea we'd be going through antibiotics so quickly. Any idea what happened to my horse?" Hershel said ignoring my question and not letting go that my group was here on his land using his resources.

"Oh, you mean the one that-" I cut Daryl off before he could finish.

"Elijah is fine Hershel, I put him back in the stables." I responded not risking letting either one of them talk.

"I could have told you he'd throw you if you bothered to ask. It's a wonder you people have survived this long." Hershel said pointedly.

Rick just brushed it off and left the room Shane following close behind. Hershel began cleaning the tools he used when I lowered my voice so Daryl couldn't hear, "Hershel, please tell me he's okay."

"He'll be fine Y/n, banged up and bruised but he'll live. Next time he tries to take a horse will ya stop him."

"Yeah, sorry Hershel..."

"It's all right. Y/n why do you always bring the stupid ones here?" 

"Come on Hershel! He's not... don't compare him to... Ethan.  Please." I said. I could barely say his name and when I could it would come out softly with as much hatred as I had in me.

"I'm sorry, I know how hard he was... Please just be careful, in those weeks you stayed with us you became my other daughter, I don't want you hurt again." He said looking at me sincerely.

"I promise. Hershel, thank you." I finished as he gathered his stuff and left the room.

"Hey." I said softly.


"Daryl, why'd you have to go alone?"

"Come on, Y/n. I've been on my own plenty of times it's fine."

"It's not fine Daryl." I responded firmly.

"Y/n." He said as an exasperated sigh left his lips.

"No Daryl. You don't understand, every time you just rush off like that there is a chance you won't come back to me." I whispered.

"Y/n..." He trailed off.

"No, you have to be more careful. I don't know what I would do if you didn't come back." I stated. After he didn't respond for a few minutes I left the room, Daryl never agreed with arguments. I walked around and made it to maggies room. I knocked and heard a soft come in.

"Hey Mags."

"Hey Y/n."

"So, have you and Glenn talked at all?" I asked knowing about what happened on the run and wanting to get to the bottom of the way she actually feels.

"Well actually..."


They don't know about us (Daryl Dixon x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ