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Y/N POV: It looked like a funeral, all of our photos were placed on a table with candles and flowers. "They were so young and talented... How could this happen?" A voice spoke. "It looked accident. They were running away from that group." The voice said. "...Was it really just an accident though? I honestly can't believe that." The voice spoke. 

My vision returned to normal as I felt like everything that I had knows up until now was all a lie. How...does my sister think I'm dead? Is she okay? 

"Ah! Wh-Why? Why was my own funeral?" Shuichi questioned. "What!? A funeral... You, too, Shuichi!?" Tsumugi screamed. I felt like I was going to pass out, too much...everything is way too much. "It would appear we all remembered the same thing." Kiyo said as he too had a nervous look on his face. "But what the fuck does it mean!? Why was I watching your guys' funeral!? A-And...why was I there, too!? Wh-What the hell is goin' on!? What was the funeral...?" Miu questioned. "But...the only thing I can remember is seeing that funeral. Nothing else..." Kiibo admitted. "Maybe...we already dead!?" Gonta yelled. No, I-I cant be! I need to live! "Ahahahahahaha! No way! Geez...this is so stupid, I couldn't help but laugh. I mean...there's no way that was our memory of our funeral..." Kaito said. I felt myself calm down a little but deep down the anxiety of the situation was still there. "Then what was it?" Shuichi questioned Kaito. "It was probably...a memory of our school festival or something." Kaito said. "School festival?" Tsumugi mumbled. "Yeah, it was probably a memory from a play we did for the school festival or something. I mean, isn't it obvious if you just think about it? If that funeral was real, there's no way we'd still be alive!" Kaito yelled. I...don't remember ever going to a school festival, he would never have allowed me to, I think my sister did though, she always did get more privileges than me. 

"Nyeeeh...that's true." Himiko said. "But aren't we all from different high schools? Why would we have a school festival together?" Tenko questioned. "Th-That's...we'll probably remember something else about it later. Anyway, there's no way that funeral was real! There's no mistaking that!" Kaito yelled. "You're right... If we think about it logically, that's clearly out of the question..." Kiibo said. "Okay...good. Gonta think that everyone was already dead." Gonta said, a hand on the back of his head. I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment, if there's a single possibility that my sister is hurt or thinks I'm dead I don't know what I'm going to do, why...? I've been a good person all my life...why am I going through this? I just want to go home, I-I'll do anything to get out of here, a-anythi- "Stop saying stupid stuff! Look at me, I'm alive! Hale and hearty!" Kaito yelled. "Hardy! Cuz you get a hard-on every time you see me?" Miu said. "Oh, I heard males can tell they're healthy by how hard they get in the morning! Is that true!?" Tenko questioned. "Hey! St-Stay in your lane, bitch!" Miu yelled at the aikido master. I took a deep breath, just calm down Y/N, don't think about that. "...Th-That process is normal and healthy for men of all ages, it's usually the result of one of several processes from brain relaxation to changes in, hormone levels as you sleep." I answered. "I guess you're the Ultimate Librarian for a reason, huh?" Tsumugi said. I felt my face flush with embarrassment, why did I say that? I could've said anything, even staying quiet would've done me a bunch of favors. 

"Aw maaan, what a disappointment..." Kokichi said. "A disappointment?" Shuichi repeated. "'s true. This Flashback Light was a real letdown... We didn't find out anything about the Ultimate Hunt. Just some weird memory." Himiko pointed out. "Yeah, seriously. Talk about a disappointment..." Kaito sighed. "No, I'm not talking about the memory. I'm talking about you guys..." Kokichi said. "What...?" Shuichi mumbled in confusion. "Oh, no! It's nothing! I'm just lying again, so don't worry about it!" Kokichi yelled. I often think that Kokichi should just stay quiet, though being called a disappointment isn't something I'm not used to, being called it again is just a reminder or how much of a coward of a person I truly am. The new memory however didn't really tie up any loose knots, though I think that it's all just a big picture that is yet to be completed, just like a famous painting or a new novel, it takes time to complete, but I'm sure that it will make sense eventually. Though...the want and desire to get out of here isn't going away. And that's scaring me more than anything else right now. 

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