Chapter 1

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I'm woken from my less than peaceful slumber by the sounds of shouting and feet hitting the concrete floor as they take off running.

"We're under attack!"

"Shit, where are they coming from?"


"What pack is it?"

"Who cares! Just shift and get out there!" The guards all yell at each other. I shimmy up from the mat on the floor that is my bed and amble over to the bars, reaching up to hold onto them as I look out of my cell.

"How do the bars not burn you?" The new lady in the cell next to me asks me as her eyes flit around the chaotic scene.

"I'm human." I murmur distractedly, watching the guards run through the open door. If only I had the freaking key, this would be my chance at freedom.

"Seriously? Why would these wolves have a human in the cells? A female at that?" The rogue continues to question me. I shrug and keep my eyes on the scene in front of me.

"Long story." I say, seeing flames lick the houses in the distance. The woman scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"We have all kinds of time." She says and my gaze flits to her.

"Aren't you worried about what's happening?" I ask and she chuckles darkly.

"No. If anything I'm relieved. This pack is not kind to rogues. I have a better chance of surviving with whoever is attacking right now. You on the other hand..." She trails off. I wait for the panic to grip me, but after months of beatings and captivity it's not really death I fear anymore.

In fact, at one point I welcomed it.

No, I don't want to die. But I also don't want to live like an animal. Ha, animal. How ironic considering I'm surrounded by fucking werewolves. The day I was plucked from my life and shown the truth will give me nightmares for however long I manage to exist. At first, I was amazed. Enthralled even. But then it all went completely sideways.

"Hey, human!" The chick next to me shouts and I turn to give her a piece of my mind when a sharp, stabbing pain splits my chest in two.

I cry out in agony and reach out to rub my sternum, trying to get the pain to dissipate. That doesn't do shit. As the pain grows, I feel like my chest is burning from the inside out. I scream again as I sink to my knees on the floor, my eyes clenched shut so tight tears are pushed out of them. My hand closes over my chest, begging the pain to simmer down. It grows until it hurts to even breathe. The shallow breaths I'm able to take aren't enough to keep my brain properly oxygenated and black begins to spot my vision.

'This is it.' I think to myself. 'This is how I die. Goodbye cruel world...' I think dramatically. Even in my last moments, I can't help but try to find the humor.

'Not like I'm gonna miss this shithole.' Is my last thought before I drift into nothingness.

I wake up, not sure how much later, and am laying on something incredibly soft. My eyes blink open and adjust to the soft light in the room which I realize is from a small lamp on the table by the bed I'm on. My eyes flit around the room, taking in the warm cream colors and honey toned woods throughout, giving it a soft, welcoming vibe. Then my gaze notices movement in the corner. My eyes lock on a man with long wavy dark hair, bright blue eyes, and pink pouty lips pulled into a frown that does nothing to accentuate his strong jaw. Even sitting I can tell he is a large man, one leg propped over his other knee as his large fingers curve around his shin. I gasp at the sight of him and push myself against the headboard, my heart pounding fearfully in my chest. He lifts his hands up, palms facing me as the universal signal for 'I mean you no harm'.

A Sheep Among WolvesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ