Chapter 26

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Alex looks up at me with wide surprised eyes and I can't help my nervous giggle at his excited face.

"Is that so?" He asks coyly and I nod.

'Get rid of this guy.' I mindlink him and he chuckles.

"I'll get back to you with the details. Perhaps we can come to you next time." He offers the other Alpha and he shrugs.

"Would you mind if we wandered your pack a little? My Beta has yet to find his mate." Alpha Knox asks and Alex nods.

"That's fine. Make sure you find my sister Penny. I'd love to send her to another pack." Alex says, his tone filled with humor and all three men laugh while I smack him playfully.

"I'm sorry, little one. I know how fond you are of Penny." He says and I shrug.

"In small doses." I add and they all three chuckle again. Alpha Knox stands and shakes Alex's hand and then surprises me by holding his hand out to me to shake mine as well. I take it much firmer than I had at first and smile at him.

The two large men leave the room and Alex whips to face me.

"What was that about?" He asks and I shrug with a shy smile.

"What was what about?" I ask coyly and he shakes his head with a small smile.

"Don't play dumb, Leah. It doesn't suit you." He says reaching for me and tugging me into his lap again.

"I just told him it wouldn't be a problem to solidify our bond. As long as you're ok with it." I say quietly and he huffs out a laugh, tucking his face into my neck.

"More than ok with it. But I don't want you to feel pressured or rushed." He says and my heart expands impossibly larger with affection for this man. How could it get any better?

"The last thing I feel is rushed." I say as I turn in his lap to straddle him. He groans as my legs part and I rub myself against him. The only thing hiding me from him is a thin scrap of my panties.

"Slow down, little one. I don't want your first time to be on my office floor." He murmurs and I chuckle before kissing his jaw up to his ear and whispering to him.

"The floor, the wall, the forest, a bed. I don't care where it is as long as it's with you." He shudders at my words and I can't stop my proud smirk.

"It will be in a bed and it will be special." He says firmly. I smile and thread my fingers through his hair.

"Can it be special tonight?" I ask.

"Tonight?" He squeaks and then starts coughing as if he choked on air and I tilt my head back to laugh.

"Yes. Tonight. I'm ready and eager." I say, pushing myself against him again. He grips my hips tightly and holds me steady.

"Stop that, Leah or my self restraint will break." He warns as his eyes darken. I lean down to look at him.

"Tell Balto to simmer. I need food first." I say nonchalantly before I climb off him, hoping my cavalier attitude hides my nerves.

I'm not nervous about being with Alex. I can't imagine anything more perfect. He's sweet, kind, thoughtful and gentle. I know he will make this as special as possible. I'm just nervous at the thought of having sex in general. What if I'm bad at it?

"What's with the sad look?" Alex asks as he stands and adjusts his erection in his pants. I shrug and look away from him but he doesn't relent. He walks over to me and puts his palms on my shoulders, the warmth of his hands thawing some of my icy thoughts.

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