Chapter 29

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I watch as Leah's eyelids flutter closed and her breathing evens out. Her body relaxes into the mattress and I watch the slow rise and fall of her chest. I can't help but tip my head forward, burying my face in her neck. My venom has already started working as she smells like her with subtle hints of me. I watch her sleep for a moment, already missing her smile and smart mouth.

I pull away from her gently and go to start a bath for her. She's covered in sweat and evidence of our lovemaking and there's no way I'll let her wake up like that.

I told her she would be out for a few days, but I honestly didn't know how long it would last. The other Alphas I spoke to with human mates were fated, I didn't know if her being a choice mate meant her transformation would take longer or not. But she's also a born Luna so there are too many variables. I prepared Jon and the pack for me to be gone for three days. I meant it when I said I wouldn't leave her and I am too on edge to have her near anyone else until she wakes.

Once the bath is full I lift Leah and climb in with her, letting her rest against my chest as I bathe her gently. Her quiet stillness unnerves me. I'm not used to her not filling every moment with chatter.

When we are clean, I dress her in some comfortable clothing. Having her naked while unconscious feels wrong. I lay her on the small couch in the room as I put fresh sheets on the bed. There's a small smattering of blood and I cringe at the idea of hurting her, but I think she enjoyed the experience overall.

A sudden exhaustion takes over me. I hadn't realized how nervous I was about the whole ordeal. I wanted it to be a special moment for her. After fresh sheets are on the bed I lay her back down, tucking her hair behind her ears and pulling the blankets up around her. I eye her mark, the red, raised edges look beautiful against her creamy skin. My wolf puffs in pride at finally claiming the woman he loves.

I blow out the candles and make some food before checking in with Jon. I know the pack felt a ripple of power when I marked Leah, but they don't seem to be panicking or concerned. I had warned them beforehand and they had seemed pleased with the development.

'Everything ok?' I link him. I feel it connect as he accepts the link.

'Everything's good here. Everything alright with you two?' He asks, humor tinting his tone.

'We are just fine, thank you.' I say and hear his chuckle in my mind.

'Is she asleep?' He asks.

'Yes.' I say a little sadly.

This is a new experience for me. Wolves don't go through this when they are marked, only humans as their body alters and accepts the venom of their mate. My eyes flit to Leah, who looks the same, but I know her muscles will strengthen, her body will be a little firmer, her skin will have no scars, only her mark will remain on her flawless flesh. She looks so beautiful, resting peacefully. I'm a little jealous, I wish I didn't have to spend these few days awake and without her.

'I'll hold down the fort. Just take care of our Luna.' Jon says warmly making me smile.

I cut the link and climb into bed next to Leah, taking in a deep breath of her scent to calm my frazzled nerves.

I can't believe how much I miss her already.

I wrap my arms around her and tuck her firmly against me, running my fingers through her hair to get out the tangles. I can bring in the bags I packed later, for now I just want to be close to her. Feel her heat and listen to the steady beat of her heart.

I wake much later, the sun now out and my eyes automatically search out Leah. She's still asleep, seeming to have rolled through the night. I curl up into her back, snaking my arms around her waist and breathing her in. Her scent is stronger now and I gasp at the sensation of sparks licking my skin. I had felt them before, but nothing compared to the fireworks going off along my nerve endings now. I feel a small pang of hurt.

It feels just like it did with Julie.

I sigh and shake my head to disperse the unwelcome thoughts. As much as I loved her, Julie is gone and Leah is my future. I look down at my little human, the genle curve of her nose, rosy cheeks, slightly parted lips. She looks like an angel, peace transcending her still form. My stomach growls but I don't want to be away from her for even a moment. My wolf seems to be spurring this need, gnashing his teeth at the thought of her being out of our sight. I sigh and run my hand down my face before lifting her and carrying her into the living room and resting her on the couch. I build a fire and tuck a blanket around her, more out of habit than necessity. I can already feel her body temperature warming slightly.

That is how we stay for three days, hidden away in our little cabin as I watch her for signs of waking. She rolls or adjusts every once in awhile, but otherwise she stays still and sleeping. I watch her chest rise and fall if only to remind myself that she's alive and will come back to me. I start to worry at the end of the third day. I could hear the concern in Jon's voice as well when I told him we wouldn't be back yet. I tried to tell myself there was no way to know how long she would be asleep, that she was fine.

As the sun rose on the fifth day I hadn't had a moment of sleep for two days. I spent my time pacing at the end of the bed, sending Leah frantic, hopeful looks as she slumbered peacefully.

I was insanely jealous.

Penny had tried to come visit, but I snarled at her in our mind link, not wanting anyone near Leah until she woke. I could feel the pack's concern through our bond. They wanted to know why we hadn't come back yet and if there was something wrong.

Just as I felt the last few shreds of my composure threaten to snap, I heard a little groan from the bed. My eyes snapped to Leah, who was rolling and stretching, her eyes still closed. I bounded to her side, running my hands along her face silently begging for her to wake. Soon, her eyes began to flutter and after what felt like eternity, I was greeted by her bright, mischevious hazel eyes. As soon as she saw me a warm smile spread across her face. I grinned back and ran my hands through her hair like I had done countless times over the last few days.

"Good morning, little one." I purr, pressing my lips to her forehead.

"Hey there, handsome." She rasps, her voice thick and throaty from disuse.

"Do you need something to drink?" I ask, pulling away to go to the kitchen, but she grips my hand and pulls me back. Her fingers are tight around my wrist and I grimace a little at the ache.

"Ow. Gentle, little one." I ask, peeling her fingers back. Her eyes widen in surprise as she rips her hand away from me.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." She says and I chuckle, scooting her over in the bed so I can climb in next to her.

Her movements are choppy and much faster than usual as she burrows into me. I grunt at the impact of her head against my chest and pull her flush against me so she stops moving.

"It's ok. You'll get used to it. We will need to practice a little, your body will feel a little strange for a few days." I murmur, kissing her head. She hums in satisfaction while I trace my hands along her body.

"I missed you." I say quietly, a little embarrassed by how poorly I handled the situation. Her warm laugh sooths the jagged edges of my nerves as she tilts her head to look up at me.

"How long was I out?" She asks.

"Five days."

"That's longer than you thought." She says with a small frown and I sigh while nodding.

"Yes. It wasn't pleasant." I say, my tone dripping with honesty and she tightens her hold around me. The movement makes my heart expand for her.

"I'm sorry." She says making me laugh.

"It's not your fault, little one. How do you feel?" I ask and she smiles brightly at me.

"Amazing. Strong. I have so much energy." She says, her eyes twinkling.

"Good." I say quietly, watching her.

She gives me a grin before pushing up off me and launching herself on top of me. Surprise ripples through me as her lips crash down on mine in a feral kiss.

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