Chapter 35

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I stayed in bed for awhile after talking to Alex. I was too distracted to do anything useful around the pack and I had barely gotten any sleep the night before. Jon and Penny had hung out with me, trying to cheer me up, but it didn't do much good. I didn't anticipate how much it would physically hurt to be away from Alex. Our bond was so much stronger than I realized and the ache in my chest burns constantly. I hear a knock at the door, annoying me a little. I was hoping to sleep more.

"Come in!" I yell and Jon swings the door open. He doesn't enter the room, just stays in the doorway.

"You ok, Luna?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah. Just tired." I say and he nods in understanding.

"You hungry?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Not really." I say sadly.

"The pack is a little worried about you." He says nervously and I nod.

"I'll get up in a minute. Just didn't sleep well." I say. I don't want the pack to be even more nervous than they already are with their Alpha gone so I decide to get my lazy booty out of bed and do something useful.

I heave a heavy sigh and go to get up when I notice Jon stiffen. I can tell he's mindlinking and I watch as all of the color drains from his face. He grips the door to hold himself upright as his eyes clear and he looks at me, obviously terrified.

"The pack is under attack. Luna, stay here." He says firmly.

My heart begins to pound and my hands shake as I pull myself out of bed and look out the window. Wolves I don't recognize begin to flood into the pack, making their way straight towards us. My stomach drops at the sight and I turn to look at Jon, but he's gone.

'Alex! Alex, we're under attack! The pack is under attack!' I scream at him.

I run from my room and don't catch his reply, but I'm pretty sure he said he loves me. Women and children begin to flood into the packhouse to escape the fighting. Some women just drop of their pups, giving them a firm hug and kiss before running back out to shift and join the battle. I lead them all into the basement, the safest place in the pack. The kids are terrified, so I hug them and tell them everything is going to be alright, even if I can't believe my own words.

I sneak back up to the main floor of the packhouse and look out the window. The sight horrifies me. Wolves are fighting, tooth and claw. The sounds of snarls, howls of pain, red blood tinged earth. My stomach recoils at the sight. I see one of our pack members go down, still and unmoving. I clench my chest as pain ricochets through me, the pain of losing one of my own.

Just as quickly as it came, the pain is replaced with rage. I decide I can't just sit in the packhouse while my wolves are out there, fighting and dying to protect me.

I sneak out through the back door and over to the training center where the arsenal is. I grab two guns and, on my way out, a long silver blade. I slip some more ammunition into my pants and run back towards the fighting.

Once I get on the edge of the fray, I watch two wolves duel. I know which one is ours. I've spent enough time with our pack to know what every warriors wolf looks like. Our wolf gets bitten on the leg, the sickening crunch of his bone in the rogue's mouth makes me cringe. He falls to the ground and the rogue goes for his neck, but I don't wait to see what happens. I take aim and the defeaning boom of the gun goes off. I hear a high pitched whine, and the next moment the rogue falls to the ground. Our wolf looks at me in surprise before pushing himself onto his working legs and limping over to me. He gives my cheek a lick and I manage to smile at him despite the circumstances. I watch his leg heal and he stays by my side as we move further into the fight.

I kill three more rogues on the way towards the heaviest fighting. I can see Jon's blonde wolf, his fur now matted with blood, in the middle, taking down wolf after wolf. He fights like a precision machine. The way he moves is deadly, but beautiful in a way. I wish Alex were here to see it, how strong and amazing his Beta is.

My guard pushes me to the side as a rogue comes barreling at me. Our wolf takes him down and I aim at another, shooting him in the side. He falls and our warrior finishes him off.

We continue like this for I don't know how long. I kill close to twenty rogues with my guns and collect two more guards along the way, one standing on either side of me and one behind me. They work together to kill any threat as we move through the fight like a death machine.

I feel the fight winding down. Even though I know we have had losses, theirs were far greater. I don't know the purpose of their attack, but I'm getting the sense they weren't really trying to over power us or take over our pack, just cause destruction and mayhem.

The last rogue goes down and I breathe and audible sigh of relief. I look around, bodies littering the ground. The coppery smell of blood tinges the air and I feel my resolve about to snap, stress from the fight threatening to take over. Tears gather, but I sniff them back. My pack needs me to be strong right now.

There will plenty of time to grieve.

I look over at Jon who is still breathing heavy, just in time to see a rogue jump at him from nowhere. I gasp as the rogue's teeth sink into Jon's shoulder. He roars in agony and tries to shake the rogue off. The rogue just sinks his teeth deeper, his claws clinging to Jon ripping and tearing his flesh from bone. I lift my gun and aim before pulling the trigger, but nothing happens. I realize I am out of bullets. I curse and pull the sliver blade from my pants, running towards Jon as he stumbles and falls to the ground.

I jump when I get close, landing on the rogue and sinking the blade in. He howls in pain, only for me to pull the blade out and sink it back into his body, pulling it down the split his skin and muscle apart. The rogue growls loudly and lets go of Jon. I cling to the fur on his back and sink the blade in again.

Again and again, over and over I stab him until he spins in a cirlce and bucks me off. I try to cling to him, but he's too strong, too angry and too scared for me to overpower. It feels like I move in slow motion as my body is jilted into the air. I watch the ground move under me before I hit a tree. My head bounces off the hard wood and I hear a sickening snap before I fall to the ground and everything goes black.

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