Chapter 9

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I was positively giddy with my new pack bond. It felt so good to belong somewhere, to be a part of something. I was amazed at the way I was welcomed so easily. No one seemed to think it was weird that a human was joining their pack. At least, no one made me feel that way. I was a little worried that some people would have the same bias as Silas' pack, but it seems the mentality is completely different depending on the pack. Or maybe it's about leadership, I'm not sure. I was pulled from my thoughts by Alex, who had been driving in silence for awhile.

"What are you thinking so hard about, little one? I can practically see your brain whirring." He asks curiously with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"How well everyone took me in. I feel almost like a stray dog that dad said they could keep." I admit and he chuckles at my comparison.

"You're no ones pet. They all like you and it's not normal to have humans in the real world who know about our kind, anyway. It's safer to keep you with us. And you fit in so well I think sometimes they forget you're human." He says and I nod.

"Sure. Until I get a cold or something. Then you'll all be reminded how fragile I am." I say a little jealousy painting my words. Alex only gives me a warm smile before turning his eyes back to the road.

"Well, think of how many people there will be to bring you soup and take your temperature." I hum a little in thought before I nod in agreement.

"You almost make me want to get sick. I've never been taken care of." I say with a playful smile, but Alex looks sad.

"What's wrong?" I ask and he sighs a little.

"It upsets me that you've basically been alone your whole life. Especially when you were supposed to have found your soul mate and he treated you so horribly. It's not fair." He states firmly, but I just shrug.

"If that had never happened, you never would have found me and I wouldn't be a pack member." I state, then let out my best wolfy howl. Alex laughs at me and shakes his head.

"You are something else, little one." He says quietly and we lapse into a comfortable silence until I think of something else I wanted to ask.

"When do I get to see a wolf?" I ask and he looks at me surprised.

"What do you mean?"

"I've never seen a wolf. At least not properly. I've seen someone shift, but that was more to freak me out and then I got stuffed in a cell. I want to touch one." I say excitedly and Alex smiles.

"I'll show you my wolf, if you'd like." He says and I nod. "We can do a pack run to celebrate you joining the pack. You can ride on either Jon or I." He adds and my eyes light up.

"You just made all my dreams come true." I say and Alex chuckles. I love his laugh, it's deep, smooth and calming in a way.

"Oh, I forgot. You can mind link now." He says and I gasp in surprise.

"Shut up! No way!" I exclaim excitedly.

'Yes, little one. You can.' I hear his melodic voice in my head and it makes me shiver.

"How do I do that?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Just imagine flinging your thoughts into my head." He says. I close my eyes and focus hard

'Like this?' I ask in his mind.

'Yes.' I hear him respond and I squeal with joy.

'Jon! Stop watching porn!' I yell at him.

'Ah, Fuck! You scared me Leah! I was just about to come and now I'm instantly soft. Thanks a lot!' He responds and I can't stop my cackling laugh.

"What's so funny?" Alex asks with a smile.

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