♜ II ♜

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After driving through the Isle, me watching all of it around me, and Mal tearing down a vandalized poster of her and Ben, Mal parks the scooter under a set of stairs

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After driving through the Isle, me watching all of it around me, and Mal tearing down a vandalized poster of her and Ben, Mal parks the scooter under a set of stairs.

I follow her around as we get off the scooter and go over to a small table with rocks on it, looking at everything around me. Mal grabs a rock and throws it at a sign up high that reads: 'Caution: Flying Rocks' A gate opens upwards, revealing the stairs.

"Curious," I mumble as Mal and I start up the stairs. I glance around. "Very curious. But curiosity often leads to trouble."

Mal gives me a weird and confused glance as we continue all the way up the stairs. When we get to the very top, we enter an apartment type building.

Around the walls there are a few paintings, which I walk around and admire. Mal tosses her bag on the couch and goes to the other side of the room.

I point to a painting of Maleficent's silhouette that reads: 'Long Live Evil' I tilt my head. "Do the others do ones like this as well? Or is it just your signature?"

Mal starts walking towards the door again. "We used to do them a lot when we were all here. Now, come on. You're not walking around the Isle looking like that."

We get stares as I clasp my hands together and smile, looking around. Once when I went to wave at one of the people staring, Mal gripped my wrist tightly, shaking her head.

I advert my eyes from people until we get to a building named 'Curl Up and Dye' with a sign that states they are closed until midnight. Mal glances around before opening the door and dragging me inside.

Inside, after a paint splattered tarp, there is a tub that has what looks like a very interesting science lab experiment. It looks a lot more fun than our science classes in Auradon. Paint splatters in vibrant colors are everywhere. The walls, the floors, the ceilings, the furniture. A girl with short brown hair and more paint splattered clothes is dancing around sweeping the floor with a pair of headphones on.

I smile as she does a little twirl. As soon as she looks up, she gasps. "Mal!" she exclaims, taking off her headphones. "Is Evie back too?" she asks hopefully.

Mal scoffs. "As if." The girl gets a defeated look on her face. "I, um, forgot that you guys don't open till midnight," Mal says, taking a few steps forward. I start walking around, looking over all the furniture and décor. "Place looks good."

"This is marvelous," I mumble, studying the tub. They both glance at me. The girl smiles and looks around proudly.

"So, what is your deal?" Mal asks. "Has your grandmother given you any customers yet?"

"Ah, just a witch here and there," the girl replies. "Mostly it's a lot of scrubbing and scouring and sweeping. Lots and lots a sweeping."

"Sounds like the old Cinderella treatment, hey," Mal says. I furrow my brows.

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