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"Opal!" I say, picking up my dress to run over to her

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"Opal!" I say, picking up my dress to run over to her. Opal turns to me and smiles, wrapping me in a hug. "How's Mama Odie?"

"I'm right here, child!"

"Mom," Opal groans, laughing as Mama Odie pokes me with her snake cane.

"Oh, shush," Mama Odia says, waving Opal off. "Come and give Mama Odie some sugar, you little rascal." I laugh and hug her. "Now, go on and dance. Both of you. I'll be talking to someone over here."

Opal and I smile at each other before I drag her to the dance floor and we start dancing around, laughing when we run into people.

After a few minutes, the music cuts out and a light shines on Lumiere. We all stop and clap and cheer as the trumpets start playing.

"The future Lady Mal," Lumiere announces, stepping out of the way. Opal and I move up with the others in the front as Lumiere steps out of the way.

People around us gasp as Mal steps out of the back and turns before starting towards the stairs. She stops before the stairs and Lumiere whispers something in her ear, making her smile and chuckle.

Evie starts clapping first. We all join in and clap loudly as Mal starts to descend the stairs. Carlos and Evie start cheering. Beast takes Mal's hand and helps her down the last few stairs.

The two and Belle talk when they stop at the end of the stairs.

"Since when does she have purple hair again?" Opal whispers in my ear.

"Oh," I whisper back. "We all had a little field trip."

The three laugh and Evie walks over to Mal, taking her away from Belle and Beast. They stop in front of us and we all give her reassuring smiles.

"We're right here with you, okay?" Evie asks.

"Okay," Mal replies, nodding.

Opal puts her arm through mine as we all turn our attention to the trumpets as they start playing again. The light goes on Lumiere again as he says loudly, "King Benjamin!"

Ben steps out of the back as Lumiere moves out of the way. We all clap and cheer as Mal and Evie face him. As he stops at the top of the stairs, we all bow to him.

"Go get him," Evie whispers to Mal, who smiles and takes a few steps towards the stairs.

Ben walks down the stairs awkwardly before stopping a couple feet away from Mal. When he bows, she does the same. "Mal," he says, clasping his hands together, "I wish I had time to explain."

When he turns around, and the light flashes on Lumiere again, we all look up. Lumiere steps out of the way as Uma walks out of the back.

I tilt my head as people around me gasp. "Isn't that an odd thing?" I ask as Uma stops at the top of the stairs, looking around and smiling nervously.

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