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As the light begins to enter the room as usual, I try to cover my face with my pillow. As much as I enjoy the day, I hate waking up early, since childhood getting me out of bed has never been an easy task. Fortunately, Esperanza has found many ways to get me out of bed, however, those ways usually end up in us staying in bed a while longer. And now when I think about it, it's odd that Esperanza hasn't tried to wake me up yet as soon as the sun is out, she is up. I pull the pillow off my head and throw it to the ground. As I turn back, I see Esperanza still asleep, this is odd. Her hair is sprawled over her pillow, with one arm above her head and the across her abdomen. She looks as beautiful as she always does but something doesn't seem right.

I started to smooth her hair and caress her face and she began to stir.

"Good morning beautiful, it's time to get up" I said as I placed small kisses around her face. She groaned, stretched, and mumbled

"I don't want to"

That's usually what I say. "Come on, beloved as you tell me time to kiss the sun!" She took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and instantly shut them. She winced and touched her forehead.

"Esperanza are you alright?" I asked concerned.

"My head hurts again, beloved can you please close the curtains, the light hurts my eyes". She responded still with her eyes closed.

I instantly got up and closed all of the curtains, usually they are mostly closed but because she loves to wake up to sunlight, we keep them a little open. After closing the curtains, I came back to her side, and she opened her eyes.

"Is that better?" I asked.

"Yes, a little" she responded, her eyes looking a little swollen and dim.

"Querida, you've been having a lot of headaches recently, why don't I call the doctor and have him check you out?" I said as I rubbed her head. She shook her head, stubborn as always.

"No, I'll be fine, it will go away" she sat up and caressed my face, pulling me in for a light kiss.

"That's what you said a few days ago and you stayed in bed all day. Please Esperanza, I'm worried, these constant headaches you are having are not normal". Holding her face in my hands.

"Alright Nick, I'll make you a deal. If my headache doesn't go away in two, no, three hours then you can call for the doctor". She said slightly proud, laying back.

"No deal, if your headache is not gone in an hour, I'm calling the doctor" I shot back.

"Nick! Ugh! Fine, an hour and half?" She said rolling her eyes. I could see how small her eyes were and that meant that she was in a lot of pain. I did not want to prolong her pain by going and forth, so I nodded my head and agreed.

"Fine, feel better beloved. I will be back in exactly an hour and a half to check on you". I said, I placed a kiss on her forehead and tucked her in.

Yawning and closing her eyes she said, "Thank you beloved, I love you".

"And I you" I said closing the door of our bedroom.

I walked towards the kitchen, maids bowing as I passed soldiers saluting me. Once I reached the kitchen, I greeted the culinary staff and grabbed an apple. I really wasn't in the mood to eat with Esperanza not feeling well.

"Bonjour Chef Louis" I said greeting him

"Ah, bonjour your Majesty" he replied, flipping vegetables in a frying pan; he stopped and bowed. "How may I be of service to you?"

"Chef Louis, please prepare your finest chicken soup, the Reina isn't feeling too well". I said.

"Oui, your majesty right away" he said grabbing a handful of vegetables and herbs.

"Merci, Chef Louis". I watched as Chef Louis began chopping the vegetables and exited the kitchen.

"Good morning, Rey Nicholas, I trust you slept well, although I find it odd that I am seeing you and not Esperanza" Alfredo said greeting me.

"Hey Alfredo, yeah I know, Esperanza woke up with another headache".

"Really? Well, then I shall have Chef Louis prepare some soup and call the doctor". Alfredo responded.

"Already done, now as far as the doctor goes, I had to negotiate with her". I said a little defeated.

"Negotiate huh?" Alfredo said raising an eyebrow.

"I told her that I would give her an hour and a half, if she isn't feeling better by then I will call for a doctor". Alfredo raised his hand to my shoulder and squeezed it.

"Well, that's what love is all about, give and take". Alfredo replied.

"Yeah, I just worried about her. I need something to distract me, what's on my schedule for today?" I said trying to shake off my emotions.

"Don't worry your majesty she will be fine, if you would like there are a few political things that need your attention".

"Alright, I'll take those in my study and work on them from there".

"Of course, your majesty". Alfredo said bowing.

"Oh, and Alfredo, please inform me when Esperanza's soup is ready, please have the doctor on standby and will you please call me Nicholas. Esperanza and I have been married for over two years don't you think it's time you call me Nicholas. Esperanza is like your granddaughter and I'm her husband, so doesn't that make me like your grandson?"

Alfredo closed his eyes and took a deep breath "Of course your majesty". I cleared my throat and he sighed "I will try, I promise nothing Nicholas" he said with a smile.

"Give and take right?" I said with a cheeky smile.

"Don't be cheeky, your highness" Alfredo said as he walked away.

He's good. I walked to my study and began to work hoping that it would distract me for a bit and take my mind off of Esperanza.

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