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I'm still in shock over what Dr. Sanchez told Nick and me four months ago. I can't believe it I'm finally going to have a baby. I'm going to be a mother. I can picture summers where Nick and I take our child to the lake to swim, bedtime stories, Christmas day. I just can't believe it.

Dr. Sanchez said that I should be about 5 months pregnant and that I had to be very careful and stress free. With him saying that let's say that everyone went crazy. Everyone was careful around me, from what cologne/perfume they would wear, to the things I ate, they practically baby proofed the castle, and the baby was no where near arriving anytime soon. Alfredo and Nick hardly left my side, to be honest they were both driving me a bit crazy.

A royal proclamation was sent out regarding my pregnancy and the kingdom was overjoyed. I received letters from everyone saying that they would be taking the first boat ashore to travel here. I immediately told them not to that it would be best for them to come during the month of the baby's arrival, that way they could meet the baby and let me have some peace for the next few months.

I love how excited Nick is, at least 20 times a day he rubs my belly and smiles. He already has plans for our baby, plans to teach it how to swim, climb, fence, and ride. We both want a healthy baby, but I feel a little bad if we have a girl, Nick is already saying that if we have a girl, she's never going to get married. I have to laugh he's already so protective over the baby and me ever more now that I am pregnant. He hardly lets me do anything and its caused us to have some disagreements.

Knock! Knock! Knock!


"Beloved, are you alright?" Nick asked cautiously, he knew I was a little upset about how crazy he was going. He barely lets me go down the stairs by myself. He stands facing me with his arms extended and makes me take one step at a time. In the beginning it was cute, but when I have to pee and find the nearest bathroom it drives me nuts.

"Yes, I am fine" I answered mildly annoyed.

"Is that a "Yes, I am fine" please go away or a "Yes, I am fine" my wonderful, loving husband who is driving me insane?" he said, having not entered our bedroom fully.

I turn to him knowing exactly what he is trying to do, I look him up and down and roll my eyes, smiling to myself. He entered the room and stood behind me hugging my shoulders.

"Oh Esperanza, I'm sorry. I know that I have been going a little overboard it just because I want to make sure that you and the baby are kept safe. Is it that bad for a husband, a Rey to make sure that his wife, his Reina and baby are kept safe?" he said in a tone that I know all to well, he usually puts this tone on to make me feel sorry for him and usually he adds his puppy dog eyes to seal the deal. But it won't work this time!

"Oh no no no, Nick you keep those puppy eyes and tone to yourself, it is not going to work this time!" I said turning and pointing to him. I stood up to take a walk and Nick grabbed my hand pulling me to him.

"Alright, you're right to be angry with me perhaps I have been going a little overboard lately".

"Perhaps?! Nick, I am not angry with you, I'm just a little annoyed" I sighed.

"Oh, you're not mad at me? Ok then great, now we can kiss and make up!" he said playfully as he puckered up his lips and pulled me close.

"Oh no you don't! You are not getting out of this so easily!" I said pushing against him, his arms were like two chains holding me in place.

"So does that mean that I have to do things the hard way to be forgiven?" he said as he wiggled his eyebrows. I had to giggle at his silliness.

Beloved "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang