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The castle was now in clear view as we rode through the main gate. The general was descending the main entrance stairs when we arrived.

Nick rode right up to him and said, "General is there trouble?"

The general bowed and said "Your Majesty, there is no trouble" he replied.

"Then why were the bells rung?" I asked.

"Your Majesty, there is an irate woman who demands to see Rey Nicholas. We are unsure who this woman is, so we rang the bells to alert you both".

Nick and I looked at each other concerned. "Where is she now?"

"In the throne room your highness" the general replied.

Nick dismounted Maximus and said to the guards "Two of you come with me, the rest of you guard your Reina". Immediately, the two guards dismounted their horses and followed Nick.

"Wait a minute, if you think I am going to let you go in there without me you are clearly mistaken!" I said.

Nick turned to me and said "Esperanza, you are pregnant, and I will not allow you or our baby to be put in danger. We don't know who this woman is or what she wants. Just please stay here, until I go inside and see that everything is alright".

"I am not going to let you go in there without me" I said standing my ground.

Nick closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and helped me dismount Champion. He squared his shoulders and looked me straight in the eye and said "Beloved, I am not going to back down on this one; please think of our baby. I promise you I will be right back but please stay out here until I give word that its safe".

I knew he was right, but I wasn't happy about it. I sighed angrily and crossed him arms looking away from him. He kissed my forehead and left with the two guards behind him. I had one of the guards take our horses back to the stables and waited, praying that everything would be fine.


"Madam once again, unless you state your business, I cannot assist you". Alfredo said exasperated.

"Once again, I tell you, I am here to see my Nicolini for the thousand time! Tell me where he is, or I will twist you into a cannoli and squeeze the cream out of you!!" the woman replied.

"Madam! Are you threatening me?" Alfredo said in a raised voice.

The woman got right into Alfredo's face, standing practically as tall as him and said "What are you going to do about it puny man, you remind me of small little goat from the countryside. The one that the big goats beat with their horns!" poking her finger at Alfredo's shoulder.

"Now madam, I have been patient with you I will not tolerate you putting your hands on me". Alfredo said in a commanding tone as he squared his shoulders.

"Ha! Is the goat man getting upset? Figlio Di Capra!" The woman spat back pushing Alfredo back making him stumble.

"Madam you leave my mother out of this! Now, I am a gentleman and I refuse to hit a woman, but you are really making me reconsider my upbringing!" Alfredo yelled.

They both looked like the were ready to fight when Nick walked right into the throne room and said "Brumi? Brumi is that you?"

"NICOLINI!!!!!" She yelled happily and she ran to him.

Beloved "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz