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I'm cold, where's my blanket? I try to feel around for it and don't find it. I open my eyes and I notice that I am not in my room. Where am I?

"Espy Run!"


"Run Esperanza"


"What's going on? Where am I?"

I had no idea where I was, I couldn't see anything, and everything was so dark.

"Run Esperanza"

"Father? Father I'm frightened!"


I start running, I have no idea where I'm going, there's no light, there's no path. As I'm running I look back and see Deacon flying behind me, his eyes are glowing red and he's screaming at me saying "You must come to my master! You belong to my master!"

"No! Leave me alone! Someone please help me!"

I suddenly trip and fall to my knees, I try to get up but I can't my ankle hurts so much! Deacon lands in front of me and walk towards me like a lion stalking its prey. He's getting closer and closer, he then grabs my ankle and I hear the bone break. The pain is unbearable that my tears feel like rivers flowing from eyes, I feel like I can't breath and all I can do is scream.

Deacon grabs my neck and begins to choke me, I scream with all of my might. I try to fight him off of me but he is too strong, he's too heavy. I'm beginning to feel weak, I'm going to die and no one is going to find me. He looks down at me and starts cackling.

"No one is going to save you Espernaza!"


"Nick? Nick! Nick please help me!"

Deacon lets go of my neck and begins to shake me.


"No! No! Let me go!"

"Esperanza! Esperanza wake up! Open your eyes! It's me, Nick!"

Nick? Nick? I open my eyes and see him in front of me, he looks worried and has me by the shoulders. I look around realize that I am in my room, I'm in the castle; I'm safe. It was all just a dream, I'm breathing so hard that I barely notice that tears are coming down my face.

"Esperanza it's alright, you're in your room you're safe, I'm here". With that he wiped my tears with his palm and embraced me. In his embrace I completely break down, I am so frightened over everything. Nick beings to rub my back and rock the both of us.

In the softest tone he says "Shhh I'm here, it's alright, you're safe now". I finally feel like my breathing is coming back to normal and the tears aren't as free falling as before when the door to my bedroom slams open making me jump from fright. When I look to see who it was, it was my parents, Alfredo, Alexis and Captain Juan.

My father is the first to speak, "Esperanza what is the meaning of this? Are you alright?"

I let go of Nick and try to straighten myself up, "Yes, father I am alright; it was just a bad dream."

I could tell that my mother was worried because she looked at my father with eyes basically saying we have to do something.

"Your highness, I will bring the Princessa something warm drink that should help her" Alfredo said.

"Your Majesty's, I will stand watch over Princessa Esperanza's room. I assure you that no harm will come to her".

I would definitely feel safer having Nick keep watch over me.

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