Chapter 25

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A sudden haze lifted over my vision. The only thing I could see was a the sky, all around me. It was as if I was floating.

"You're alive. I'm glad," a familiar voice echoed past me. I turned around to find no one. My eyes darted all around the area. Yet, I couldn’t find anyone.

That voice was one I could never forget. It was the very voice that belonged to my brother.

"Sariel! Sariel, please answer me!" My cries echoed. "Sorry sister, I don't have much time. But there's no need to worry. We'll meet again very soon, trust me,"

His voice faded out as my pleas increased.


"Sariel!" I shouted, jumping up from my sleep. My breath hitched as I tried to catch my breath. Shivers ran down my spine as soon as I sensed a large power level, Zeldris's power level close to it.

"LUDOCIEL!" I growled. I jumped out of my bed, unleashing my wings. I opened the window and flew out. All I had to do was trace the magical power source.

Slowly, I saw a shrine start to form in the distance. I could tell that Ludociel had taken control of a vessel, non other than Princess Marget.

I raised my hand above my head, forming a spear. I sent it towards him. The split second before it would've pierced his skin, he drew his sword and hit it away. His gaze turned to face me, a small smirk forming.

"Y/N? So you're still alive it seems, Sariel will be relieved, " he spoke suddenly. "Ludociel, it appears that you've returned, how repulsive," I shot back at him. I flew down to the shrine and landed, taking small steps, I formed a sword.

"Y/N! Don't harm him! He's possessing Margaret's body!" Gilthunder cried. "There's no need to worry. I have already taken that into consideration. Marget will not be killed, Ludociel will be the only one harmed since he is currently in possession," I answered.

A let out a quiet laugh, the demon marks to return and take full control. My eyes went black and a sickening smile was formed. "Your curse still seems to be in effect. I assume that you're aware of what will happen if you let that demons power run rampant in your veins,"

I nodded. "I do, I'll slowly die. Nerobasta explained it all to me before Derieri ended her spirit form," I explained. "But quite frankly, I just can't hold back anymore. I've always had such a burning hatred for you!" I laughed.

"It appears that you're far gone," Ludociel sighed. "If you stand in our way than the only salvation we can give you is death. Sariel will understand. Y/N has fallen to the side of the Demon Race and she is no longer the kind goddess we once knew," he stated.

"I assume that the Demon you mentioned all that time ago, was Prince Zeldris. After all, you came straight to his aid. How naive of you," Ludociel smirked.

Suddenly, the attack that Ludociel had sent out earlier, bursted away. My attention was turned to face it. Right there in the middle of the explosion, was Zeldris. "Those darn arch-angel bastards! So you've been resurrected as well, is that it!" Zeldris raised his sword in a fury. "Dies Irae!"

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