What We Needed.

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I am currently sitting on the balcony drinking water and looking through files. "Koa" I turned to see Lucas walking in with a huge smile on his face. Soon dropping as he walked closer and closer. He sat next to me and stared at me, "I wanted to give these to you" he reached over giving me papers. "These are buildings to open for the fashion unit. I figured that it wouldn't be enough room for a team and models." I nodded and read over the descriptions. "Have you checked them out yet in person?" He shook his head, "actually I wanted to ask if you wanted to come. Since you are the one who'll be running them, I thought it would make since to ask" he informed as he watched my every move.

I smiled and handed him back the papers. "Sure I would love to, Plus thins place is kinda stuffy right now anyways" he smiled awkwardly and nodded. "Thank you" he looked confused as I thanked him. "For not asking what's wrong or if I'm okay...thank you" he smiled and nodded. "Is it about James?" I slightly nodded feeling my eyes water. "I'm sorry I don't want to-

"It's okay, a wise person I knew always wore her emotions on her sleeve; so It's okay to cry Koa" I glanced at him and gave a smile. He sighed calmly and gave me his handkerchief. I thanked him and wiped my falling tears. "I'll be in my office, when your ready come let me know" I nodded and watched him walk away.

I walked back inside and put my things up and grabbed my bag. As I stared walking to his office I noticed James laughing and talking to a office worker. She was short and had beautiful brown hair. He noticed me and quickly let his smile fall. I smiled and continued my walk, "Koa!" I turned to see James running to me. "It's not what you think we-

He was cut off by the door opening showing Lucas. "Hey I'm ready whenever you are" I told him giving him a short nod. He smiled and closed his door,"before you?" I smiled and began walking. We shortly made it to his car getting ready to take off. "KOA!" I looked out the window to see James running to us. "Please go" I softly said causing Lucas to start the car and drive off. We both enjoyed the silent drive as we make our way to the first building.


"And this is the last spot on the list, what you think?" I checked out the humorous space and quickly turned to him. I gave two thumps up and slightly jumped up and down. "Yes it's big and has lots of rooms. He nodded and took out his phone taking pictures. "Okay we can leave now, I'll contact my team later today." I thanked him again and continued walking out the building. On our way to the car we saw a elderly couple selling street food. I walked towards them seeing they had fried shrimp. "I'll take the couple patch please and drinks" Lucas said from behind me. They nodded and began making things after handing us drinks.


We made our way to the tables and sat patiently. "Can I ask you a question" I blurted out causing him to smile. "Sure hit me" I let out a breath and focused on his face. "Do you like me?" His eyes soon got bigger causing me to shake my head. "I mean I know we've been getting along recently and it's been nice but I can't help but to think about James and what he said." I explained.

"I understand Koa you don't have to explain, but I figured it'll be nice to be honest with you." I nodded eager for him to continue. "Yes I have feelings for you still" my heart instantly stops and proceed to do flips. "But I wouldn't act on them, I have respect for your wishes and believe it or not I have respect for James. So please don't think anything for it. I'm being nice because I genuinely want to and I so happen to be your boss so I guess win win" I smiled and nodded glancing at him as he take a sip of his drink. He then turned to me and stared back, causing me to lose myself in his eyes.

I then felt tears start to weld up and fall down my face. He immediately got up and came to my side crouching down turning me towards him. "I'm so sorry" I sobbed out causing him to panic more. "For what Koa, stop crying" I shook my head. "I hurt you and never said sorry, if I would've known things would be different. And I'm still here hurting you again, and your silently hurting too" he sighed and bring me into a hug. I returned the hug and squeezed him making sure he felt how sorry I was.

After a minute he pulled back and help my face in his hands giving me a small smile as his eyes held tears. "I'm happy as long as your happy" I smiled and pulled him into another hug.

Soon enough the food was ready and we ate our food laughing and talking about silly nonsense the entire time.

'It's funny how things would turn upside down in a minute. Sitting here with Lucas made me rethink certain things and even understand things more. But I think what I-what we really got out of this is the most important thing we needed.....closure.'


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