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" Khan, you cannot possibly be serious right now. You've seen what these white-capped individuals are capable of! You must withdraw. NOW"

" For the final time, Alum, I will not withdraw. If we don't act now, they will have the chance to attack while our people while they are vulnerable." Before kissing her pale cheeks, the guy with red crimson hair and blood eyes glanced at the kid resting comfortably in the arms of his faithful friend. The sight of her moist tears made the man even more apprehensive, but nevertheless made up his mind: "Go, I'll distract them." Before leaving to the battlefield, without turning around he pronounced his following order to his friend,

" Please do take care of her for me" '


Coming back with a big catch, Ace brought dozen of huge fishes and when entering the hut, the image of (Y/n) and Luffy flashed in his mind all of a sudden. Stopping on his tracks, he clicked his tongue before he pushed the flashback aside, ' Why am I thinking about them all of a sudden?'

When coming back to his senses, the freckled boy threw the fishes to the hall and proceeded to find the two. Wait... why would he do that? Seriously, at are those two doing to him?

Preoccupied with his thoughts, the freckled boy failed to notice the redhead's figure slowly approaching him but not the menacing aura though. Flinching, Ace slowly turn around and only to be met with pair of emerald eye. Mesmerized by her gaze, he suddenly felt a pain on his cheeks, snapping him out of his trance.

" Ow! What's your problem?" Ace rubbed his sore cheek. " Wh-"

" Problem? My problem?" (Y/n) repeated and more menacing. Ace stopped on his words, " That good old boulder you threw at Luffy almost squashed him and you are asking me the problem here?" The pinch attacker soon took a Vegito Super Saiyan Blue Final Kamehameha pose before yelling:

"Double Pinch Attack on Baka-Ace!"

*Pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch *

" OW.OW.OW.OW.OW.OW.OW! Stop it!" Ace yelled, covering his swollen cheeks with his hands that does not make (Y/n) stop there. Her hands find the location on his arms, " Ow! Damn it"

" And this is-" '(Y/n) pinched his waist, " for being reckless, Baka-Ace!"

" Huh?! If you're that worried for him, then stop that idiot from chasing me!" Ace yelled, closing his eyes from the incoming 'attack'

" Eh? If you had hit that big ass boulder in a wrong place, you could've had been caught in-between as well. You could've been hurt as well! " (Y/n) further jumping atop of Ace, made him blush and red-haired continued to pinch on his bicep, " I knew that you were a jerk but not this extent!"

" Oh yeah?! And how exactly do you know that? We only saw each other two days ago!"

" The trees told me!" (Y/n) lied as his face as it was no longer covered, proceeded to pinch his nose, " Apparently, you kicked a tree and it hit Luffy once! Lucky that he was made of rubber or otherwise, he would've been dead!"

" You out of your mind?" Growing annoyed, Ace tried to push (Y/n) aside but the red-haired didn't even budge. The pinching attack stopped, Ace opened his eyes and to be met with pairs of eyes staring at the two children. (Y/n) stared blankly at Ace, huffing, " You're an idiot. He wants you to be his friend. No matter how many boulders you throw at him, no matter how many punches you give him, Luffy isn't the type of person to give up when he sets up a goal!" (Y/n) emerald eyes mesmerized the freckled child as if the warm forest green engulfing his body, " Ace-"

Reincarnated In One Piece As A Hashira (One Piece X F!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora