Aiding and Abetting...

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Translation URL here, but watch to the very end. It speaks for itself:

She cried, "NuvaRing! Nuva-Ring—oh my God yes," as I recall—a sort of "all clear" to allay any pregnancy concerns I might have, though we'd passed the point of no return entirely by the time she thought to blurt that out

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She cried, "NuvaRing! Nuva-Ring—oh my God yes," as I recall—a sort of "all clear" to allay any pregnancy concerns I might have, though we'd passed the point of no return entirely by the time she thought to blurt that out.

And I gasped some sort of completely unintelligible response as Cici grabbed hold of the top box in the stack we were bent over to keep it from toppling—it was over in a few grunts and thrusts. After which we collapsed into two mounds of quivering, pulsing flesh atop those boxes of...pinto beans, I believe they were. Stored in an old food truck behind the original "Lupita's."

And seconds later the real, live Lupita banged on the door of that food truck and hissed, "Come on out of there, you two!"

I rose on rather unsteady legs and helped Cici do same. And she laughed and said, "Don't look so guilty. He's banging this woman he's been going with on and off for years."

"Is he?"

"He's a good man, Victor, but like I told you, he's that old-fashioned, Hemingway sort of romantic—loves the drama, right? And I gave him passion and politics both, but...once I made it clear we weren't going there..."

"Let's...not go there," I said, rattling the troublesome door that finally burst open and startled Lupita a bit.

"You come with me," she told Cici. And to me, she said, "You come out with those bottles a little after—Jorge found the mescal I wanted. It's in my office."

She had made us the house specialty: a four-tiered "tasting tower" which she and Cici wheeled out of the kitchen before igniting the big sauce bowl on top to applause from all the other patrons.

The theatrics were not entirely Lupita's way of helping us sneak away from Victor for a bit--yes, he was there, too. We thought it best he be included, given the circumstances.

You see, it all began when Bea had insisted that she meet "this Cielo." And when I, after some hemming and hawing, suggested we create a sneaky little "meet up" at the original "Lupita's," her eyes lit up.

Because Bea knew Lupita. She had written about Lupita—her businesses, her whole story. She had, in fact, been having book signings at that original "Lupita's" for years.

And Victor and Cici also knew Lupita. Victor had long been bringing people to that same restaurant to sample her "authentic" Sonoran fare, as enamored of her story as Bea. Many a protest march had ended there, the exhausted rabble rousers pounding down tequila and their favorite dishes with righteous abandon. Cici had no trouble convincing him to dine there.

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