Real Housewives of Barrio Hollywood

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Chas fell back against the little couch in Carol's office and ran his hands through his hair.

"Bloody hell..." was all he could muster up. Not very loud or even angry.

He just sighed, he reached for my hand and said, "Are you all right, love?"

"I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now. I'm confused!"

He kissed my temple and then stared into the void for a moment, possibly trying to shut out the chaos just beyond the open door.

The school was still officially in lockdown status, though most of the instigators been hauled away in big police vans. But there were dozens of irate parents in the Main Office screaming that their children hadn't been "anywhere near whatever the hell had just happened at this fuckin' shit hole of a school." Or words to that effect.

Some of them were actually willing to admit that their child been ditching for months at the risk of being arrested for that child's truancy, to keep said just from being arrested for something far worse.

The mother hissing that, "y'all always be tryin'a put everything on Rayshawn," was upset because her baby boy was being arrested for having a gun which she swore he needed because there all these "fucked up white boys out there beatin' on everybody."

And then she hit them with: "You wanna take him to Juvie but you didn't arrest that ugly ass white girl had a big old knife in her backpack! Cop said she needed a damned knife up in here! And now you throwin' my boy in Juvie 'cause he tried to defend himself?"

And then her big old husky boyfriend bellowed, "Gets they dicks all hard, beatin' up on Black kids," starting a brawl that had to be broken up by campus monitors and other parents.

A brawl that shook Chas out of the little "trip" he'd been on. "Did that really happen? The knife thing?"

"Sure did. The cop insisted the knife wasn't big enough to fulfill the arrest requirements. Of course, Carol wouldn't have called him if we hadn't measured it already, but he wouldn't budge. Said she had just cause, so to speak."

"You were there?"

"Carol called all her teachers down. To find out if she'd ever talked about harming herself or anyone else. They'll do a psych eval sometimes, if you can convince them the kid's a danger to themselves or something. Which would've gotten her off campus at least."

"Is she dangerous?"

"She' of those real gloomy Goths, Elise. Threatened to kill herself over this girl she's in love with once. Sent her some nude pictures that wound up being passed around..."

Chas covered his face with his hands. "I can't...dear God, Cielo..."

I rubbed his back and watched a Native student I also knew donkey kick a cop who was trying to handcuff her from behind. I was going to yell for her to stop being a dumb ass, but I just let it go. She'd probably jumped right in, Juanita. Girl was angry at the whole world, with reason. She'd been abused at home and beaten on the streets, too. Tough as shoe leather, now, though...

Carol eased in through this "emergency exit" door they'd put in some principals' offices in response to the escalating threats they were all receiving. Hers was hidden in her private restroom, a perk they'd done away with in the more modern buildings. But that day I was glad she had that option.

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