Refuge of the Roads

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Had to sneak into a 24-hour Walgreens to buy some flip flops. Cause so many places, even fast-food places, won't let you in barefoot.

I needed those big pads, too, know. Takes time for the leaking to stop. So you're reminded and reminded and reminded...

Didn't really need to sneak. The clerks were used to all kinds of freaky people wandering in past midnight looking every kind of way. But I headed straight for that aisle that has all the bins full of cheap joggers and things. Grabbed the shoes, a couple of those touristy t-shirts and some leggings.

Then a bag of panties. Sports bra. And all kinds of munchies: gummies, cheese puffs, caramel corn. Some fancy dark chocolate bars: chili, cherry, sea salt and orange flavored. And jerky, soda and water—not just for drinking, the water. Big gallon jug and some little bottles.

Old street habit, that jug. For hygiene. And I got a toothbrush and deodorant and all that, too, on the way to checkout. I'd showered at home mostly just to lean against the wall and cry more than anything else. But things could get rank real quick if I didn't get my act together.

And I found that aisle where we used to buy those $1 bags of candy before we went to the movies. Wanted so much to be that little kid again, you know? Whose only worry was maybe getting busted for carrying "contraband candy" into the multiplex.

I think the checkout clerk thought I was high. The shaved side of my head, the tatts and all—fit the "description."

I probably looked kind of groggy, too. I had some very dark circles under my eyes, I know that. I saw it at this rest stop I finally slept in after I got a soda and one of those big, doughy cookies from the vending machines.

There was this white family there, traveling in an old pickup with a camper on it. Living in it, more like. Kids were toothbrush jousting with each other around the picnic tables. Parents looked like they'd been rode hard and put away wet. Lank haired, no light in the eyes.

One of the kids ran circles around me as I was heading back to the Lex and I tossed the cookie to her. She squealed and ran off holding it up by a corner of the wrapper to make the other kids chase her. Her mother flicked the butt of a cigarette to the ground and glanced at me like she was trying to decide how to feel about that gift. But then she just walked on around behind the truck.

I wondered what had put them out there on the road and how long they'd been there. Made me question my being out there acting like I had problems. In my bad ass, fully loaded Lexus...

Showered and ate a real breakfast in one of those truck stops that have all the amenities. The waitresses were sassy old babes who knew all the truckers by name.

There were also a lot of people from the little town just beyond the highway. Best apple pie I'd ever had was made by a local woman. My waitress, Janine, told me that very proudly.

I ate two slices after that big breakfast I hadn't thought I was hungry enough for. Couldn't even sort out what my body needed or wanted.

Except for one thing.

I wanted wake up in my husband's arms. I wanted to feel his big old morning erection up against my back and open myself up to it. And hang on tight for the big bang.

And the kiss and cuddle, after...

I'd shut off my phone because I didn't want to see all the calls and texts. I knew he was probably frantic but...I couldn't find the words.

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