Chapter three

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'Why does everyone have the need to fit somehow in high school?'

Was the thing I was thinking as I walked through the hall and saw some girls in high heels and mini dresses laughing obnoxiously.Apparently today color was blue. There were four of them and they were dressed in lace dresses with different shades of blue.They all had blonde hair with ombre the color of grass. Some of them had matching heels, while others had leopard print on their shoes.

Instantly I thought of the mean girls and the quote: 'On Wednesdays we wear pink.'

I knew this type of girls. They weren't necessary mean girls, but fashionistas. The type who woke up two or three hours before school to make their winged eyeliner perfect. Like it will fly them to a brighter future.

I quickly glanced at my outfit. I was running late, like always, and I just put on the clothes that had fallen out of the closet. I didn't even have time to brush my hair, I just went through it with my fingers.

I wore some silver colored skinny jeans with my black, white and gray sweater. I didn't bother bringing a jacket, knowing that it will get warmer later. On my feet, I had a pair of brown converse. I could have sworn that I had black converse in my hand this morning, but then again, I was still sleeping while I got dressed.

Even thought it was just three days since we came back to Seattle, my dad had already enrolled me into school. Then I spend the whole weekend decorating my room, and unpacking boxes.

My room walls were a light shade of purple, but I changed that and now they were red and green. The window seats had new pillows that matched the room and my bed was now queen sized.

The apartment was still in neat condition except for the music room which I locked up and argued for an hour and a half for the reason why.I only saw the inside of the room for a second. That was enough to remember everything. The walls were the color of cream, and the floor was still polished.The window was dirty and one of them had a large crack in the middle where I hit it two years ago. It surprised me that dad had not fixed it already. Normally he would sweep everything clean. The proof of this apartment and the piano.

The magic box that fascinated me for many years.Even covered with dust it still shined in his black glory.It was the piano from my grandmother's house. The night when I saw my mom play, was the night I decided that I wanted to learn how to play that magnificent instrument.

Many emotions went through me, but the one that I felt the most was the pain.

I wanted to scream at the sign of it. But I knew better. I didn't wanna go to another therapist.

I came back to reality when I nearly tripped over my own feet.In that process, I almost knocked out some girl.Thank God I managed to not to fall, but that doesn't mean that the girl in front of me didn't kiss the floor.Her raven black hair fell onto her face. I could see the blush on her face even with her hair all over.

"Ohh, I'm so sorry. Are you all right?" I asked her offering my hand.

She took my hand and gave me a small smile. "No, it's fine me.No harm was done."

I could feel the eyes of the students on us.I heard the raven headed girl whisper "Oh God, no."

She was uncomfortable and embarrassed, and the stares from the students didn't help So I did what I had to do.

"Ok, move along.There is nothing to see people." They just gave me a weird look and went on with their business.

"Again, I'm really sorry about that, my head is in the clouds. I'm Heaven by the way."I said, hoping that the awkwardness will disappear.

"No, I'm all right. You are the new kid, right?Nice to meet you I'm Annabeth, but you can call me Beth. Well, I mean, if you wanna. Some people don't really care so they just call me whatever they want. It doesn't mean that I..."

And she started to ramble. It was a quite cute personality.Her eyes matched her hair. Such a dark brown that seemed black like the night. She wore some blue jeans and a cropped red shirt with some flats. She was quite the character. Quirky and innocent. Well, that's my first impression.

".. I normally end up saying the most random stuff and It's totally fine for you to tell me to shut up.I wouldn't mind, we really...." She continued.

I smiled and said " Okey, calm down Beth. Would you mind showing me where I can get my schedule." sighing "... I'm a little lost."

She grinned "Sure, follow me." I walked behind her through the hall. The walls were white with the words 'West Seattle High School' spelled on. I followed Beth to a small office. There was a lady sitting behind a computer.Her hair was the color of ash and it was cut short. Large glasses sat on her nose. Her face expression showed that she was slightly annoyed.

Umm, hello. I'm' the new student. My name is... " I got cut off "I know pumpkin. Your Heaven right?"She asked. I just nodded. "Here you go.Beth, be a sweetheart and show her her classroom."

"You got it Mrs. Henry." Replied Beth. I quickly mumbled a 'thank you' and took a look at my schedule.Instantly I groaned when I saw that my first period was math.

"You are lucky, you got the math with Mrs. Riley. She is one of the nicest teachers and your classroom is close to mine, so lest hurry up. The bell is about to ring."

I just grounded again and walked with her to a door where the numbers two hundred three were written on.

"Here we are." was all she said. "Thanks, Beth. I owe you one."
"You are welcome, and I'll see you around?" I felt bad, so I said the only thing I could "Sure."

She went through all that trouble and I won't be such bitch. Even thought I didn't feel like talking to anyone.

Suck it up.

I told myself and went inside the classroom.The classroom was already filled with students. The sound of laughter chimed across the air. What annoyed me the same second. I didn't really mind talking to someone. I had a problem with groups. Because every time someone tries to put me into some category. Like for instance the fashionistas or maybe nerds.A knew that I didn't fit in with any of those groups, because for one: I don't care what I'm wearing and two: my grades are averaged.I made my way to the back of the classroom hoping that no one sees me and sat down in a seat near the window.

The bell soon rang and the classroom was filled all at once.

A petite woman entered the room. A big smile plastered on her face. Her brown hair was put into a ponytail and she wore a pencil skirt with a yellow shirt. The shirt went great with that smile that shined bright.In her right hand, she held a brown leather bag. Going around the desk she placed it on top of some books and turned around to face the class.

"Good morning class. I'm Mrs. Riley. You are probably wondering why I'm introducing myself right now, right?" She asked.

Oh no.

"Well, we have a new student today. She moved here all the way from LA. Heaven, how about you introduce yourself." All eyes turned to me and I felt like in grade school again. She continued " Come on, stand up, no need to be shy." 

Awkwardly, I stood up and started " Uhmm, my name is..."

I never got to finish that sentence because, the next minute the door flew open. And inside came one of the hottest guys I have ever seen. With nothing more than a smirk on his face.


Hello :D First, I want to thank everyone who voted and read my story. Hundred read in one week is for me amazing.

Thank you again so much. Hope you enjoy chapter three. Tell me what you think and if it's not a problem vote. Ohh and there is a picture of Heaven.

Love you all Aria

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