Chapter six

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'Crash or Paper Towns? 'I asked myself.Looking at both covers that had a light shade of blue. Both plots were intriguing. I just can't decide which one to choose.

The first one is Paper Town. It is about a boy who is in love, schock I know, with this stunning girl named Margo. Now normally I wouldn't even looked at it but her disappearance interested me quite a lot.

The second one Crash was about a good girl and a bad boy. Cliché . Mixed with some drama. I have no idea why these books were popular. One of the reasons why I'm thinking of buying it, is to figure out what is so special.

Bad boy's, huh?

I don't know why, but I instantly thought about Cole.

The dark-eyed boy, who won't leave me alone.

He is pretty serious about Mrs. Riley's punishment. I was quite surprised by it. Rumors say that he is a bad boy, just like I predicted. But while he is around me, I don't see it. He is annoying as hell. Won't stop bugging me and apparently, he has made his task to find me a nickname.

More than a hundred nicknames, and still I quote him " None of them match your personality."

From Muffin, Pumpkin, Cupcake, Sugar Plumb to Havyey, even I don't know how he had got that last one.For the past five days I have been greeted with these names to see if they fit, and no they don't.

My morning routine changed without my approval. No longer did I walk alone to school. No, because Mr. Ferreira decided that he will come pick me up. Imagine my reaction when I saw his black sports car in front of my apartment building.

"What are you doing here?" I asked my voice still husky from sleep. It was the first time that I spoke that morning.

Rolling his eyes, he said " Isn't it obvious? I came to give you a ride." His face graced with a smirk.

It took twenty minutes of arguing to make him realize that I won't get in the car. Cole grumbled under his breath while we walked to the school. He demanded from me to tell him why I didn't want to ride in the car. My genius reply was, " I don't like cars."

Nice ,right?

When we arrived at school, momently everyone started to stare at us and started to whisper. Probably wondering what Cole was doing with the new girl. The news from yesterday that he had to watch me flew fast across the school.

They were more shocked for him to actually walk with me to school.

Lissa questioned me the first chance she got because Cole stuck to my side. It was ridiculous.He could just show me where the classes were. Not play a babysitter. I'm feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable, with all the attention he brings.Cole didn't seem to mind. He ignored everyone. It was like nobody paid attention.

We walked with the same pace through the hallway. His leather jacket would brush my shoulder occasionally.

"You know Honeybun," he started, " You don't have to look like I'm torturing you."

I tore my eyes from my faded black covers. I haven't even noticed that I looked at the floor as we walked.

I meet his nearly black eyes. "I'm not, and no to the nickname."

" Yes, you do." he argued back," I'm not gonna eat you up, and yeah, it doesn't suit you."

"Keep trying."

"Ohh I will." he said with a smirk. We reached my English class a few seconds later.

That day Mrs. Drew was in a bad mood, and that apparently meant we had to write a five-page long essay on a book of our choice. My teacher, who earned a lot of groans from my classmates, was tall and in her late thirties. Her hair was the same shade as sand. Lissa told me she was usually nice, but when she has a fight with her husband, she takes it out on her students. I don't know how she knew that it seems that here news fly fast. I saw that first handed in the morning when we arrived.

The whole week was pretty much the same. I would bump into Beth during lunch time, but she would disappear minutes before Cole would show up. 

Weird, I know. 

She is still blabbing her mind off whenever I see her. Funny girl.

"Heaven!" I heard Lissa say, " How much longer are you going to stare at those books?Buy both if you can't decide. "

I quickly glanced at her " I will, why are you in such a hurry?" Turning around to her I said " We have all day.It's only one pm." 

She just gave me a We-don't-have-all-day stare.

"There is a sale at Forever 21 and I want to go there before all the good stuff goes away."

"Then go without me," I replied simply.

"No," she started "I need you to tell me what's good and what not."

"Since when am I a fashion guru?" 

"Now.You are my best friend come on." She begged.

Why me? First, she wakes me up even before the sun came and now she wants me to watch her try on clothes. The agony.


"Fine, but you are buying me pizza later." 

"Yes, thank you. Thank you." She said while pulling my arm to the exit.

Silly girl.I have to pay for the books.

"Liss, I haven't paid for the books you know."

"Ohh right," she said, " to the cashier to pay." 

Because of her yelling the brown-headed cashier gave us an the crazy look, which I got used to with Lissa. I quickly paid if the books and put them in my dark red backpack with flower prints which I got from Springfield. What? Even I like to buy new stuff once in a while.

After that, we walked fast to the sale that apparently is very important. For more than two hours Lissa tried outfits. From dresses to jeans, from sweaters to shirts and skirts. She tried everything in the store. 

"Lissa, are you seriously gonna buy all of that?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Mom told me to buy something," she said.

"Yeah, she said something, not the whole store." I rolled my eyes " When she sees the stuff and the bill she is going to have a stroke ."

"She won't. Stop being dramatic and help me carry the clothes."

"What did you say?"

"If you don't help me," she started sweetly " I won't buy you the pizza."

"Fine, give me that," I said annoyed. My pizza. She threatened me with my cheesy pizza. That little monkey.What kind of person does that?

"Stop it.I didn't slap your grandmother," she said rolling her eyes while passing be not one, not two, not even three bags but seven. 

"You did something way worse.You threatened my one true love.And the fudge did you buy so much stuff, we came by foot you nimrod."

She looked back and forth, between my hands and hers.Shrugging she said,"You never know when you will need something, plus it was on sale and plus plus we will get toned arms and legs from the walking and carrying."  

If didn't love her I'd smack her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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