Chapter four

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That would probably be the word that would I use to describe this man.

He stood by the door. Standing tall and proud. He was probably about 6 ft 3 high.He wore some dark blue jeans and Nikes. Grey ones. His white T-shirt was tight enough to see some muscles.On top of that, he had a black leather jacket.Typical.The mysterious bad boy. Probably a player too. The type of a guy who screws you over after getting what they want from you.

For a second I felt judgmental, but that is all I could be. There is no way I will ever talk to him. Therefore I just went with it.His hair was a dark brown color and almost seemed black. It was sticking everywhere. The cliché just woke up look. He had a fine jaw, thought. I had always had a thing for jaws.


I know.

His eyes were probably the same shade. I was seated in the back row. So I couldn't tell. One of the things that amazed me that his expression had not changed. His pale pink lips were still formed into a smirk. Full and luscious. One bigger than the other.Ok. I'm starting to sound like a creep.Back to reality. I was still standing awkwardly. Shifting from one leg to another. Glancing up to Mrs. Riley. Her pale blue eyes were fixed on the person who interrupted me.

Her voice had a hint of irritation as she spoke " Cole." she started " What did I tell you about coming late to my class?"

"To not." Was his lazy response.

His voice was deep and rich. It was deeper than I expected it to be. A shiver went down my spine. Glad that at the moment all eyes were on them and not me. I sighed. Let's just hope it will be over soon.

"You can't keep this up, Cole." she continued, " I can't give you detention because I know you have enough detention slips for nearly the whole school year."

"Then don't give me detention," He said with a bored tone.

"I can't let it slip, young man."

Rolling his eyes, he said " Why not? It would be the first time."

"If I let you off without a punishment you won't learn anything."She said while nodding her head.

Was she serious?

" Come on Mrs. Riley." He pleaded.

"No, no you won't get out of this, you came late to my class and disturbed our poor new student who didn't even have a chance to introduce her..." and she stops, glancing quickly at me " That's it! You are going to show our school to our new student and help her for a month." She said smiling with her dimples showing.

" What!"


I said in unison with the boy whose name was probably Cole. Glancing up at him.Our eyes met for a second and then I looked away.

"There is no need for that Mrs. Riley."I began "I will be fine on my own."

"And I don't want to babysit someone Mrs." He said sounding annoyed.

What was he annoyed about? It's his fault.If he hadn't been late, none of this would be happening.

"Well, sorry to disappoint you, but Cole you are going to help Heaven the whole month. I don't care if you don't want to, and if I hear that she is lost or alone, I will make sure you will repeat this year."

"Isn't that a little extreme?" I asked.

He shoots me a look of appreciation.

"No, it is not and you will obey, am I right Mr. Ferreira?" She asked using his last name. Apparently, she says someone's last name when she gets angry.

"Yes, I will." he stated in defeat.

I was literally shocked. Can a teacher threaten a student?

"Good to hear that." Her smile grew more and more by the second."Now, dear how about you introduce yourself?"

Great we are back to that again. Ground, please open and swallow me.

"Umm, I'm Heaven White."I said quietly."Can I sit down now?"

I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. The stares from everyone was getting to me. I would probably space out in a second if it weren't for the person who slid into the seat next to me.

I saw that it was Cole. Yay, I said mentally. Note the sarcasm.

"You can Heaven."

After that sentence I jumped into the seat, wanting to hear the bell as soon as possible.The teacher started to talk about some trigonometry and that was my cue to sleep.I lay my head onto the desk and groaned. This will be a long day. It just started and I have a babysitter. I'm seventeen, for the love of God.This was nothing like the time in LA when I started high school. I just came in and sat like now in the back row, but nobody cared if I could introduce me. The teacher said if we wanted to.I didn't have to stand up in front of the whole class and say who I was.

The class ended soon.

I swung my bag and went to the door to exit the math classroom. Taking my schedule I wanted to see what my next period would be.I never got the chance to, because the next thing I know someone took the piece of paper from me.

I looked over my shoulder to see Cole standing behind me. His eyebrows made a frown as his dark eyes swept across the paper.

"Hey!" I said as I took the schedule from him."That's mine. What do you think you are doing?"

Rolling his eyes, he said, " I was reading your schedule, obviously."

"Um, why?"

" Mrs. Riley said I had to babysit you. She was serious, see you don't know that newbie."

"Oh come on. I don' need you." I said, annoyed"I can find my way on my own."

Turning on my heal I started to walk in the opposite direction.

"Really."He said with a shocked expression."Well Heather you are going in in the wrong direction. Our chemistry class is in the west wing."

"It's Heaven." I said through my teeth"And what do you mean 'our'?"

Wow. I know you are blond, but come on Hayle." He said smirking.

"Go to hell."

"Aww are you mad, now."

"Listen here you egocentric baboon. I will be fine on my own. So go away."

"You wound me." He said while wiping off an imaginative tear.

"For the love of all." By now I was loosing it. Can't he just go!?

But I gave up minutes later. I figured out if he showed me the classroom now he would leave me later.Walking through the halls of this high school was hard. Apparently all of these students are body builders, because every one of them showed me into a wall. We finally came into the classroom when I heard a familiar voice say my name.

"Heaven?" The melodic voice said.

Turning quickly I saw the girl who I once considered a sister. My best friend.



Hey hey.

Sorry for the late update. I was really trying to to upload on Saturday, but I had some family issues. It's all okay now.

Please vote and comment. I would love to hear what you think about this chapter.

I love you all - Aria

Ohh and P.S. there is a picture of Cole ;)

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