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Edlyn walked along the hallway, seeing portraits of the professors' and students' achievements. She saw her brother's picture and smiled, amazed at how many achievements he had. Then she frowned when she saw Sunghoon's picture. She kept walking and saw Jake's picture. She read his achievements and was amazed at how he beat her brother, earning more than him.

A figure bumped into her shoulder and she groaned in pain as she fell. "Are you okay?" The man asked worriedly. He helped her stand up and she examined his facial features. He was handsome, he looked like a kind and sweet person. He had his doctor coat on so he was probably one of the surgeons there.

"You must be new here. I'm Professor Heeseung," he introduced himself. She nodded and smiled, "I'm Park Edlyn."

"Oh! You're the director's daughter. I heard that you're studying here but Jay rarely talks about you. Nice to meet you."

"Heeseung!" Jake called him as he approached them. He rolled his eyes when he saw her and asked Heeseung, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah," Heeseung answered before looking at her again, "Are you sure you're okay? I think I bumped into you pretty hard."

"Yes, I'm fine. It's not like my legs are broken or anything. You don't have to be worried," she smiled again before excusing herself.

Edlyn ate her sandwich alone in the university garden. Students were eating with their friends and partners, sitting on the grass. She sat on the swing and thought about the marriage for a while.

What will happen if the students find out about my marriage? I mean, Jake does seem like he's popular here among the professors and students. There were a few female students who tried to flirt with him. Also with the female professors, they were fangirling over him when he was not looking.

"Can I join you?" A familiar voice asked. She lifted her head and saw Hojun taking a seat on a swing next to her. "I didn't say you can," she glared at him. He chuckled, "You had it easy, your dad already decided which class you will take, he probably tells you what questions will be asked during the exam."

"Say all you want, but my dad wouldn't do that. And even if I had it easy, why would it bother you? I didn't ask to be born into a family with neurosurgeons."

"You don't have to drop out of the university even when you fail the exams continuously. You could make any mistakes and still take over the hospital. Don't you know how hard I tried to study at this university? You should watch your back because I will beat you and take over the position as the director."

She laughed, "I would like to see you try but at the end of the day, I always win. You would at least get promoted but not take over. It's a family hospital. Of course, it would be mine one day."

"You bitch-"

"Please, do compete with me. It's fun to watch," she chuckled before leaving the place. Hojun scoffed and threw his sandwiches into the dustbin, annoyed at her words.

Edlyn was about to go to her next class until a hand grabbed her wrist, "Edlyn."

She turned around to look at Sunghoon who was panting. It seemed like he was searching for her for a while. He gathered his strength to stand up straight, "Your dad. He fainted."

Her eyes widened and she ran to the hospital that was just a few minutes away from the university. She looked around and ran to her father's empty office. She ran back outside and asked around for her father's whereabouts. A nurse led her to the room where Mr Park was and she saw her father lying on the bed unconscious.

"Dad," she panted as she called him. She didn't care about the class that she had. She was worried about her father since he was old already. It wasn't his first time fainting at work. Sometimes, it was due to stress. She held his cold hand as she watched him breathe calmly.

The door opened and Jay ran in worriedly. "How is he?" He asked the nurse next to him. "He's fine now. We don't know what happened but we assumed it was due to stress. He should get some rest for a few days before coming back to work."

Jay nodded and bowed at the nurse before watching her leave the room. "It has been happening quite a lot lately. I don't think it is just because of stress," Edlyn said, still holding her father's hand.

"He may have vasovagal syncope," he said before sitting on the chair next to the bed.

(Vasovagal Syncope occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope. The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly. That leads to reduced blood flow to your brain, causing you to briefly lose consciousness)

"Don't you have class in a few minutes?" He asked. She pursed her lips and lowered her gaze, "Sunghoon told me about dad. Can I stay here and look after him?"

"No. It's your first day at the university and I don't want you to ruin it. Go, I'll look after him."

"But-" she tried to argue back but he glared at her, silencing her. She stood up and left the room, walking slowly and stopped for a while before looking at the door. Seeing her father's name written on the door as a patient.

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