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Daera finished eating and bid goodbyes to her friends before leaving the restaurant. She rummaged in her handbag for her car keys and sighed in relief when she got them. She lifted her head and saw two figures kissing in front of her.

Her hands dropped to her sides and she looked at them with shocked eyes. Her heart dropped when she realised the male figure belonged to Sunghoon. Her heart shattered into pieces and she laughed at herself as she blinked away the tears that formed.

Daera, I already told you to not fall in love with a man like him. It's dangerous. You'll end up being the only person getting hurt. Him trying to win your heart? Oh please, he'll end up being happy that he already proved he could win anyone's heart. You're not going to fall in love ever again, Daera.

Sunghoon noticed her standing there like an awkward statue. He arched an eyebrow in amusement, "Were you watching me?"

She scoffed and wiped her tears, "You should kiss somewhere private. It's disgusting."

He smirked and approached her, "Are you jealous?"

She glared at him and backed away to make sure there was a gap between them. He looked at her in surprise but stayed silent.

"I'd love it if you stop acting as if you care about me. And please stop being so close to me and just act like a professor," she warned before leaving him.

Edlyn rested her head on Jake's chest as she read her book silently. He was scrolling through his phone but flinched when her phone suddenly rang. She got up and checked it, seeing Daera's name on the screen. She picked up the phone and looked at her husband confusedly, "Hello?"

"I'm coming over to your house. Are you having sex?"

"Umm no? But why-"

"Prepare some mint choco ice creams and a few candies. Also some alcohol," her friend's voice breaking at the end. She sighed, "I can't drink alcohol-"

"I know that. Who said it was for you?" Daera groaned frustratedly before hanging up. Edlyn knew something was wrong because she could sense that her friend was trying to hold back her tears. She sighed and got up, "Jake, I need you to buy 6 bottles of beer and a bottle of expensive liquor. Now!"

Jake flinched in fear and nodded, obeying his wife. He immediately grabbed his coat and took his car keys before leaving the house.

Edlyn opened the door as soon as she heard the doorbell ring. Daera barged in while flapping her hands aggressively, taking deep breaths to prevent herself from crying.

"Deep breaths, Daera. Deep breaths," Edlyn said to calm her down. Her eyes formed tears and she cried into Edlyn's arms.

"Jake is still outside buying your alcohol. I already put the ice cream on the kitchen island."

"Great," Daera said before grabbing the ice cream cup and plopping herself on the couch. Edlyn sat next to her and watched her friend wolf down the dessert.

"It's about Sunghoon," Daera confessed. Edlyn widened her eyes and fixed her posture, paying full attention. Daera continued, "He kept bothering me until the fact that I even forgot that he was bothering me. I've grown used to it and I hate that! Then, I found myself falling deep into the sea of stupidity and fell in love with him."

"I know," Edlyn sighed. She looked at her pregnant friend confusedly, "What?"

"Jake and I know that you're in love with Sunghoon. Even Jay knows about it. You're too obvious. You're so bad at lying that you look stupid. I think Sunghoon is just dumb that you're trying to act like you're playing hard to get. Serves you right for making him wait too long. You saw him kiss another girl, am I right?"

"I hate you."

"Me too," Edlyn teased. The entrance door opened and Jake was struggling as he carried three plastic bags with glass bottles of expensive alcohol and a packet of mint chocolates for his wife.

Daera frowned in frustration, "You're too late! I already told her everything! We're supposed to drink beer when I'm ranting about something. She finds out too fast!"

Jake sighed tiredly, "Is this about Sunghoon?"

Edlyn nodded and helped her husband carry the plastic bags to the couch. "I hate you guys for not telling me I was being too obvious," Daera snapped.

Jake was snoring next to Edlyn as she was still listening to Daera's ranting with full focus.

"And then, he had the audacity to ask me if I'm jealous! What a jerk! He just couldn't keep his dick in his pants."

Edlyn nodded, "And yet, you fell in love with him."

"I need to move on. I need to find someone loyal. Someone who appreciates me and won't find someone else even if I play hard to get. Someone who will wait for me until I open up to him."

"Someone like Jay?" Edlyn asked blankly. Daera flinched after hearing his name and glared at her, "Don't say that. I feel bad now that I rejected him. I mean, he's sweet and caring. And I could fall in love with him but I can't guarantee that."

"Don't worry. He's okay now. If he's still awkward around you, he would've stopped working as a lecturer by now."

"I don't want to fall in love anymore. End of discussion. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to use your bathroom for a while before I leave."

Edlyn laughed as she watched her friend go to the bathroom. She glanced at Jake who rested his head on her shoulder, too tired to hear her friend's ranting. She patted his head and smiled before pecking his forehead.

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