Game Day

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Today's Friday, game day. We're going against the Blake Freshmen Bears, and from what I've heard they're not that good. But right now, compared to us, everyone's good. We suck, we're not ready. Honestly, I'm embarrassed to be captain. No one even listens to me, so what do I care anyway.

I guess Aspen could tell I was stressed and walked out beside me. "Kick ass?" She smirked at I laughed. "Always." I responded while we walked into the loud arena. We do that before each game, it helps us both calm down.

Orion sent us out and we got into our positions. I looked through the crowd and spotted Charlie's mom. She waved and gave me a big grin. I smiled back before looking to all the varsity players. Banks was sitting with them and he looked towards me. He gave me a small nod and I sighed before turning back to the game.

We got first face off, I passed it to Fulton, Fulton passed it to Guy, and Guy passed it back to me and I shot it into the goal. Everyone on the ice, besides Charlie, came to pay me on the back. I saw Adam stand up and clap before getting pulled down my Rick. I rolled my eyes before looking over to Mrs. Conway and she was up and beaming. She gave me a thumbs up before we skated back to our positions.

Russ shot his knuckle puck and it hit the goalie in the head, I skated over and made sure it got in. I have the puck a push into the goal and the siren went off. Every time I scored I would look over to Adam who would clap, then get stopped by Rick or Cole.

The puck was over near our goal and I passed it to Luis. He flew down to the other side of the rink and yelled, "I can't stop!" The puck slid into the goal and he went over the goal and slammed into the boards. "You scored Luis! You did it." I helped him up and the rest of the team congratulated him.

Then Dwayne made it with his great puck-handling. The score was 5-0 now, take a guess on who's winning. It's us, surprisingly.

I passed it to Aspen and she slammed it all the way to their goal. A player caught it and spun around, but the he dropped it and it fell into the goal. We all started cheering. "Ya that's right!" She yelled and I went up and smacked the back of her helmet. "You got it!"

I got taken out for the first time all game and sat in between Russ and Ken. "You guys gotta teach me how to talk some trash." He piped up. "It can't be taught, Kenny man." He said and I nodded. "It's gotta be the first thing that comes to mind. Try it." I explained and Ken nodded understandingly. "Hey ref-" He yelled and Russ and I stopped him quickly. "Let's pick a new target." I suggested.

"Hey number 44, you-you-you play, you don't play real good." He spoke quickly and the boy rolled his eyes. "Shorter, man." Russ encouraged. "Get to the point." I spoke and he sighed.

"Hey number 9, bite me!" He yelled to a player passing by and the guy shoved him backwards causing him to roll over the bench. "That's it, Ken." I cheered while helping him up. "Now we're getting somewhere." Russ laughed while I shook my head.


It's period 3, 9-0, we're winning.

It seems as if the Bears have taken a turn and decided to actually put some effort in. One of them slammed me into the boards and stole the puck from me. My head hit the back of the board and I instantly got a headache, "Fuck!" I breathed out trying to stand up. "Need a hand?" Cameron helped me up. "Thanks."

"Someone get 'em!" Aspen made sure I was okay then turned to the team.

I looked to the stands and saw Adam who was stood up and looking down at me. He looked worried mad mad. "You okay?" He mouthed and I nodded.

"Get ready, Julie!" I yelled staking down the ice. They shot and the puck went in between her legs. "God!" She groaned and I sighed, skating up to her. "Don't worry, it's only one. You'll make it up." I nodded before Coach Orion called for a time-out.

"What do you have for us now, Captain?" Charlie asked sassily. "Well, not captain, I think we should just play how we've been. Expect I think we should switch out Ken for Fulton, is that good enough for you? Or do you wanna make a suggestion? It wouldn't be the first time."

"Oh I swear-" He jumped up before Orion put his clipboard out to stop him. "Enough, Conway. Good plan, Anderson. Switch out, get it back. Let's go!" He yelled and we skated back out.

Not even a couple minutes later, their up to 6. Oh great, they just scored, now 7.

"Holy shit!" I skated back quickly after Charlie slammed his stick against the goal, and it broke in half. "Watch it, if you swung any further, I would've gotten a stick to the rib!" I complained slowly skating towards him. "I don't wanna hear any of your shit! Your an ass captain, learn how to play before you take my spot." He sneered before a Ref put him in the box for 2 minutes.

I took a deep breath and tried to not let it get to me. Normally, I'd laugh at that and ignore it, but I've been trying so hard. All I want is to be good, and I want the team to think that too. And those words just didn't help. They really got to me, so I'm going to try and prove him wrong.

I slowly skated back to my position while I watched him throw a fit in the box. I don't know what's gotten in to him, but he's never acted like this before. Maybe he's a little sour Bombay left, but then again so am I. But I got over it, and he should too.

Charlie's never been one to adjust to new things, I used to be that way. I remember I used to hate Adam, and I hated when he joined the team. But I told the ducks to try and welcome him, even though I didn't even want to welcome him myself. And look where we are now.

Well, that's a bad example, because I still kinda hate him now. But, you get my point.

Orion called for Julie and Goldberg to switch and I spun around. "What?!" All three of us exclaimed at the same time. "You heard me, let's go!" He said louder and I looked at him shocked. Julie looked at me as she skated past and I shrugged. "What is he doing?" I mumbled to myself.

"Oh, god. This is pathetic." I spoke while I watched Goldberg crawl behind the net and the team make another goal. "I can't believe he would switch them out." Aspen came up beside me. "I know. I'm sure there's a reason, but it's definitely not a good one." I shook my head before we all got into out positions.

The score is now 9-8, Orion called for a time-out and told me, "The floor is yours, you call the shots."

"It's 9-8-" I started but was cut off. "Because we couldn't see that ourselves." Charlie's miserable voice spoke. "Oh, look who's out of time-out. You done with your tantrum yet, or do you need a little more time to cool off?" I glared at him before turning back to the team. "All we need to do is block their shot, and we win. We don't need to score, okay? Just play defense, alright?" They all nodded and we skated out.

They pulled their goalie out and I looked around at everyone confused. There was only 20 seconds left and Charlie grabbed the puck, I tried to tell him to pass it because we don't need to score. He wouldn't listen, or pass it to anyone. He just kept going.

Charlie tripped and dropped his stick and the puck glided across the ice. The puck slid towards the goal and stopped just before the line. "Damn it!" I yelled and raced to go and get it. The Bears stole it and took it towards our goal. Goldberg jumped and they shot it over his head.

It's over. We tied. "A tie isn't as bad as a loss." Goldberg tried to lighten up the situation. "You're right, it's worse." I scoffed skating to the locker rooms.

sorry it took so long to update. ive been studying for math, and im really bad at math. but my grade right now is a 96 surprisingly so that's good. if there's any mistakes let me know!

thank you!

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