See ya, Banksie

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"Scarlett, hey." He spoke gently and looked down at me because of the height difference. "Uh, hi." I sniffed and quickly wiped the tears off my cheek.
"Are you okay? What's wrong? Listen, I'm really sorry you have to let me ex-" He rambled until I put my hand out for him to stop. "It's fine." I sighed going to sit on a bench nearby. "No, it's not. Let me explain, please." He insisted and I nodded for him to go on.

"You saw me talking to Cole, right?" He asked and I nodded remembering what happened. "Yeah, and after you had this panicked look on your face."

"Yeah. He told me he had something planned, and that we were just going to leave you guys there. I asked about the bill, because we were supposed to cover it, and when he didn't answer me I figured that's what was the 'surprise'." He explained and I sat there and listened. Right after he got finished explaining he sat next to me on the bench.

He wrapped his suit jacket around my arms and a small smile made its way onto my lips. "Thanks." I mumbled and he laughed. "You're not mad at me? No sarcastic remark?" He questioned and I laughed quietly. "None are coming to mind currently. It's too filled with Charlie's bright red tomato face." I cringed jokingly at the memory making Adam laugh.

"He only gets that red when he's angry. What happened? Is he mad at me?" The boy asked worriedly. "Nope. Me. Someone new y'know?" I joked again and he snickered. "What's going on with you guys?"

"Everything that goes on seems to be my fault. We tied our first game, must've been because I'm not as good of a captain, varsity puts our clothes in the showers, must've been because I made us tie the game, we get left with a bill for a dinner I didn't even want to go to, must be because I'm not as good of a captain. He just keeps on reminding me he was better, and he'll always be. And it's pissing me off." I sighed leaning my elbows on my knees.

He sat there and listened to me ramble and rant. He sat there genuinely paying attention to me. He sat there and actually cared about what I said.

"I'm starting to think he's right because no one else seems to think I'm a good captain either." I shook my head and he scoffed. "Don't say that. They're all just mad it's not how it used to be. You're a great captain. You were basically captain back on the ducks and everyone was fine with it then. It's just the fact we don't have Bombay, everyone's separated, and they didn't get they're normal positions."

"Yeah, that makes sense. And, y'know what's really funny? Right before I bumped into you I was seriously debating on if I should I give my spot up to Charlie." I laughed at myself and rubbed my face while the rain poured down on us. "No way! I will not let you do that. You cant give that up. Orion chose you for a reason."

"I'm starting to think he just did it to piss Charlie off because he was being an ass during tryouts." I shrugged and Adam shook his head. "Stop doubting yourself. We both know you're good enough to be captain. You've gotta force yourself credit where it's due." He explained and I raised my eyebrows while looking at him. "That's very formal of you to say. Where'd you learn that?"

"I read it off of a billboard on the way up here and I felt like it fit the situation." He shrugged with a laugh and I laughed along. "Really inspiring, thanks."

"I missed this." He said after awhile. The rain had stopped and we both just sat there. Neither of us knew what time it was, but we just sat there and watched cars pass.

"Yeah." I agreed turning to look at him. "Can we-" He started but I already knew what he was going to say. "Start over?" I raised my eyebrows and he sighed knowing what I was going to say. "Yeah, no. You're lucky I even gave you a second chance."

"It was worth a shot, I guess." He shrugged standing up. "Maybe next time, Banks."
I joked standing up as well. "Keep the jacket." He nodded to his suit jacket that was hung on my shoulders and I laughed a little. "You need it to match the rest of your suit. Besides, I already have a bunch of your clothes that you refused to take back." I reminded him and he smiled.

"See ya tomorrow?" He questioned as I took off the jacket and gave it to him. "Maybe." I said in a sing-song voice walking away."

"See ya, Banksie." I called out and I didn't have to look to know that the smirk on his face was there. "See ya, Anderson." I could hear it in his voice.


"Where have you been?" Connie asked while I walked into the dorm. "Trying to get Charlie's stupid big red angry tomato face out of my head. Every time I close my eyes that's all I see." I replied laying down on my bed next to Aspen's. "You're gonna have a hell of a time sleeping tonight then." She laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Tell me about it."

"It was pouring out there. What we're you doing?" Julie asked laying down backwards to look at me. "Sitting." I said shrugging. "With..?" Connie trailed off expecting me to answer. "No one." I acted like I didn't now what she was taking about. "Yeah, okay. Don't act like we all don't know you were sitting with Adam." Connie smiled and I scrunched just face up while looking at her.

"Talking, chatting..." Aspen danced around the room. "Flirting." Julie added in with a wink and I scoffed. "Yeah, because sitting there taking about how mad I was about Charlie is definitely flirting."

"Whatever, I'm still team Charlie." Aspen shrugged jokingly getting in to her bed. "Team Adam." Connie yelled out before pulling the covers over her head. "I don't really care, to be honest. I just wanna see who wins the twenty bucks." Julie shrugged and i agreed.

Although the bet is on my love life, I really wanna know who's gonna end up winning. Maybe if I end up with neither of them, I'll get twenty bucks from them both.

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