Get Over Him

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todays our first game without charlie. i've never played a game with out charlie in my life. yeah, i'm mad at him, but i still love him. but it's also our first game without fulton. we lost two skilled players in the same day. people are going to think we're a joke. on top of that we're missing dean and jesse, which i could tell made a huge impact on the way we played.

"go team on three." orion put his hand in and everyone else followed. "go team!" we all yelled (unenthusiastically) and the starters skated out. "i still can't believe cam gave you a hickey." aspen whispered while we skated a warm up lap. "hush, it's not the first time anyway." i joked and she smirked. "i wish you would let me tell connie. she owes me twenty bucks." aspen groaned.

"i can't believe you guys are still going on with that bet. you've had it for like three years now." i sighed shaking my head at the girl. "you and cameron are soulmates." aspen crossed her arms. "me and cam made out in a storage closet at camp. twice." i looked at her confused. "that's two more times than you and adam have ever made out in a closet." aspen shrugged.

"why do you hate him so much?" i laughed as we started our second lap while everyone warmed up. "he's a cheater. i understand why connie likes him because they've been best friends since pee wees, but, i've never liked him. he's a rich asshole cheater." she said defensively. "just look at him up there," her gaze moved to the stands. i looked up and saw him sitting  there with the varsity.

rick and cole were pushing some kid around and adam sat there and just watched. adam usually doesn't just sit there and watch stuff like that happen. but i guess he'd get bullied himself if he did try to help. "stop that." aspen said after seeing my expression. somehow it's like she always knew what i was thinking, and moments like these i hated it.

"stop what?" i asked innocently. "you're making up excuses for him. stop defending someone that screwed you over multiple times. it's hard, i get it. but you gotta get over it, him." she explained and while she right, we all knew i wasn't going to listen. i mean, when do i ever?

and she seemed to know that because she shrugged and we got into our positions.


we lost, surprised? i'm not. "well done," i spoke up sarcastically while walking into the locker room, "another game played wonderfully!"

"thanks, captain. because you help so much." goldberg complained and i glared at him making his face drop. "listen, i've been trying. i'm sick and tired of doing so much to try and help, and you guys just end up shitting on me like i do nothing." i complained while getting my stuff. "don't listen to them." cameron, who was sat near my stuff mumbled. "yeah don't listen." i looked over to aspen who made a small heart with her hands.

"whatever, good game guys." i picked my bags up. "i'm gonna see hans." i said and left the locker room.

"congrats captain ducky, good game." rick taunted while him and the varsity leaned of the doorway out of the rink. "move, dick, i'm not in the mood." i sneered walking up to them. "sounds like your team is really appreciating their captain." cole smirked, well, tried to. it was actually pretty ugly. "yep." i sighed just wanted them to move. "too bad you weren't good enough to be on varsity, not like you'd fit in any better though." rick laughed.

"rick," adam said in a warning voice, i almost scoffed. now he wants to say something? "yeah, because i'd still be better than everyone of you. i had a choice; varsity or captain. i'd rather slit my throat with my skates and take my eyeballs out with the laces then ever be on a team with you." i said simply pushing my way through. "thanks, banks." i smiled sarcastically at the boy before walking through.

"scarlett-" i heard him sigh before i turned the corner. he can be such a jerk, but god, he's so hot. it pisses me off. why do all the hot ones have to be assholes?

i had to cover the hickey on my neck and it's pretty much gone now. it was a long story, so don't even ask how i got it. just remind me never to hang out with cameron alone again. i'm trying not to be with anyone, but that could be so boring sometimes. i don't have any excuse not to hang out with hot boys though. what am i gonna say? i have to focus on school? please. who gives a shit about school?

i decided to go walk and see hans again. he always knows how to make me feel better. maybe he knows what to do about charlie. or better yet, maybe charlie stopped by. we're both way too stubborn to admit the other was wrong—or apologize, so this'll have to do for now.


sooo sorry this took so long and is so short this chapter took me forever to write
i've been having migraine problems and i might go to the doctors, but today i had my first basketball game and we won
it was 50 something to 30 something and i also realized i'm a much better defensemen than shooter... im number 21 and i love that number sm plus it's deans number

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