Chapter 3

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Can't tell you how great it feels to start updating again; I really missed sharing chapters with you guys. Even though it was only a week... it was a LONG week. So, even though I hate writing drama in this series, all books need drama. I promise that it will never involve Niall and Alex getting into a fight... or somebody doing the classis "getting drunk and having an accidental one night stand" because I find that SO overdone, and completely b.s. Please don't hate for this... everything happens for a reason :( --Ekat =D


Alex’s P.O.V.

            It’s been a little over two weeks since Niall and I have brought Zack home from the hospital. I’m pretty sure he has more energy than Niall. I’m just lucky that he’s not able to walk, because he’d probably be bouncing off the walls. Let me put it this way; he’s like Niall on a sugar rush. I love every second of it though. With that being said, those naps in the afternoon are blessing too. Right now, Niall’s taking a nap of his own. Apparently, Zack wore him out this morning while I was at the store, shopping for dinner. When I came home, they were both excited to see me. Zackary because he missed me holding him, and Niall because he was tired. After some convincing, I told him to go take a nap. He can be so stubborn sometimes. Last night, Zackary woke up a few times. Niall insisted on waking up with me to insure everything was okay. It’s really cute the way he worries about Zack. Even if it’s just to be fed, Niall insists on staying with me the whole time. So long story short, Niall didn’t exactly get a great night of sleep last night. Seeing as how I’m an early riser to begin with, I wasn’t really affected by it. Niall on the other hand, enjoys his sleep.

            “Good afternoon Lex. How are you on this fine day?” I heard Louis call from the living room. Someone’s a little chipper today. I wonder what’s up.

            “Louis… is everything alright?” I asked a little worried about his sanity.

            “Everything’s wonderful,” Louis responded in a cheerful tone. Okay, now he’s scaring me. “Where’s my nephew?”

            “He’s in his playpen,” I replied, still looking at him funny. “Why, what are you up to?”

            “Can’t a guy just come see his nephew without being harassed?” Louis answered, still with the sickly sweet tone. I had to think a minute before replying.

            “Nope,” I answered, shaking my head. Louis could tell I saw right through him, and decided to huff and puff about it.

            “Fine,” Louis admitted. “I was wondering what you and Niall were doing tonight.”

            “Well, right now Niall’s taking a nap. But when he gets up, I think we’re just going to hang out here, and play with Zack,” I answered. “Then we’ll probably watch T.V., or maybe a movie.”

            “Wrong!” Louis shouted, his voice echoing throughout the house. Jesus Christ; you’d think the house was completely empty. “You and Niall are going out tonight.”

            “Yeah right,” I retorted. “Zack is only three weeks old, and I don’t feel comfortable bringing him out in public yet.”

Let There Be Love: Sequel to We Found Love (Niall Horan)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum