Chapter 19

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Author's Note: You guys have given this story over 2,000 reads in the last three days, breaking the record for this story! I want to thank you guys so much, because without your support, I wouldn't have nearly as much confidence to keep posting chapters. You guys give me so much strength to keep writing, and I just wanted to say thank-you. I hope that this chapter makes you laugh, because I did while writing it. So... enjoy! --Ekat =)


Alex’s P.O.V.

            The boys have been hard at work in the studio for a couple of months now, and I still miss them all. Yeah, we get to see each other at night, on the weekends, and have a “family dinner” on Sunday, but it’s still frustrating. I think what irritates me the most, is that it feels like I’m spending all of this with Zackary, and the others aren’t getting to see him as much. They don’t get to see his first accomplishments. The boys were busy recording in the studio when he sat up for the first time. The girls all went back home when he started crawling. And let me tell you, that boy likes to move. And then how could I forget about when I was all alone with him, and he stood up for the first time. That one was really funny though, because as soon as he stood up, he had the biggest smile on his face, like he knew it was a big deal…and then he plopped right back down on his ass. I’ve been taking plenty of video footage, and showing it to everyone when I see them, but I can see it in their eyes that they wish they were there to see it first-hand. To be honest, so do I. But, that’s the price you pay to follow your dreams, and earn a living. Man, if this is what old people have to go through, no wonder Louis never wants to grow up.

            Seeing as today’s Saturday, Niall and I got to sleep in a little bit. As a kid, my favorite day always used to be Saturday because I didn’t have to get up for school, and I got to watch cartoons with Harry. Now it’s my favorite day because I get to hang out with my amazing boyfriend, and my adorable little boy without interruptions. Well, usually. Why did I have to think these thoughts? Every time I do, something has to come in and ruin it. This time, it was a knock on the door. Why does it seem like our house is One Direction Headquarters? I don’t know how Niall did it, but he managed to get a week off, and now all I wanted to do today was cuddle up on the couch with Niall, and enjoy some family time alone. And of course, me being me, I forgot to lock the door when I went to get the newspaper this morning. So with no hesitation at all, the girls stormed into the house, and smirked when they saw Niall and I cuddled up on the couch.

            “Can I help you?” I asked, not hiding my grumpiness.

            “Geez, I thought mood swings were supposed to go away when Zack was born?” Perrie asked, shooting her hands up in surrender when I glared at her.

            “It could just be her time of the month,” Dani points out, making Niall groan.

            “Why are you three here, ruining my innocence this early in the morning?” Niall whined from beside me, making me smile at his immaturity. But seriously, why are they here?

            “We’re here to steal Lexi for the day,” El said.

            “Wow, thanks for asking,” I replied sarcastically.

            “Babe, I said steal,” El pointed out. “That kind of implies that I had no intentions on asking.”

            “Well, too bad, because she’s mine for the day,” Niall called out.

            “Horan, don’t mess with me,” El warned, placing a hand on her hips, letting everyone know that she meant business. I don’t exactly know why a girl placing their hands on their hips meant shit was about to go down, but it just does. “You know I can hurt you.”

Let There Be Love: Sequel to We Found Love (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now