Chapter 33

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Author's Note: Since I had another good day at work, I decided to upload early (it's a little under two hours, but still early). I know that a lot of you are sad that this story is coming to an end pretty soon (as am I), but at least you can read it over and over again. :) I even got asked if there will be a third book...but unfortunately, there will not. I would be so lost as to what to write for it. So I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your day to read what my mind can create. With this is mind, I hope you enjoy the new chapter! --Ekat =)


Niall’s P.O.V.

            Lexi and I didn’t get out of bed until after noon. We enjoyed a nice, peaceful morning of cuddling, enjoying the sounds of the waves washing up against the sand on the beach. I wish I could wake up like this every morning.

            “I wish I could wake up like this every morning,” Alex said, repeating my exact thought word for word.

            “As do I,” I reply, snuggling my head into the crook of her neck, nipping at the skin every once in a while. Little did she realize that I was leading her back up the stairs I was just carrying her down.

            “Niall, where are you going?” She asked, pulling away, from my lips, much to my dislike. “The living room is downstairs.”

            “I know, but the bedroom is upstairs,” I shoot back, wrapping her legs around my waist as I reattach my lips to her neck, earning a moan from her. “Tell me what you want Lex.”

            “Harry,” Alex says, becoming stiff. Well that’s kind of a turn off. Not that I don’t like Harry, and it’s not that he’s not attractive, but that’s my wife’s brother, and one of my best mates.. not exactly something I want to talk about when I’m trying to “have some fun” with my wife. And let me tell you; it feels really good to be able to call her my wife. But I guess this just means I have to turn up the charm.

            “That’s not the name you were saying last night,” I say, leaving yet another love bite on her neck, but I wasn’t getting a reaction this time.

            “Ahem,” I hear, listening to someone clear their throat. I turn around, and notice that Harry is standing in the doorway of his bedroom. Oh boy.

            “Hi Harry,” I muttered, looking at the ground, not being able to look my new brother-in-law in the eyes,

            “Look at me Horan,” Harry demanded, his authoritative tone making me look up. I instantly regret it though. His nostrils were flaring, and if it was possible, there would have been smoke coming from them. “I thought we discussed about how I didn’t want anything about a traditional wedding night going on between you two.”

            “Oh relax Haz,” Alex says, blushing as she brushes his dirty glares at me. “Besides, how did you even know what was going on?”

            “One, I’m not stupid,” Harry replied. “Two, I’m not blind. I can see those bite marks on your necks from a mile away. And even if I was blind, I’m not deaf. My room was right next to yours, and you’re not as quiet as you think sis.”

            Oh. Shit.

            “Just be lucky that you’re the father of my nephew, otherwise very bad things would happen to you,” Harry threatened, intensifying his glare, and storming off down the stairs.

            “Well that was an interesting way to start the day,” Alex said, the blush not leaving her face.

            “That’s one way to put it,” I said, wrapping my arms tightly around her, and changing our course to the living room. Something tells me heading back to the bedroom is a bad idea right now. Although, I soon regret going downstairs too.

Let There Be Love: Sequel to We Found Love (Niall Horan)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя