Chapter 13

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Author's Note: I know how much you guys have been looking foward to this chapter, and I hope I didn't disappoint. :) I don't know what it was about the last chapter that you guys loved so much (I'm thinking it's the bet results), but you guys have really added a lot of reads to "Let There Be Love", and I'm so happy that you guys are enjoying it. For those of you who are just joining the updates, welcome! I update this story every three days, because I'm writing another Nialler story "Leave Me Alone", which I update every three days as well, the day after this story. And yes, that does mean there will be an update of that tomorrow :D So for now, I'll let you get back to reading this update for this story. Enjoy! --Ekat =D


Alex’s P.O.V.

            The girls started cheering, while Liam, Zayn, and Louis groaned. I guess now I know who thought I’d win the bet. Harry on the other hand was just standing there, unsure of how to feel.

            “So who did you think was going to win Harry?” I asked once everyone calmed down.

            “You,” Harry replied.

            “Why’s that?” I questioned him. I was a little confused, because when we were waiting for our flight to Australia, he was helping Niall out. Quite honestly, I think his advice was working better than the tips the other three boys were giving him.

            “Alex, I know you,” Harry answered with a knowing look. “You don’t play to have fun; you play to win.”

            Okay, maybe he does know me a little bit.

            “I know that no matter how much you wanted to cave into the horny little leprechaun here, you wouldn’t because your willpower is too strong,” Harry added with a smirk, making Niall pout. Aww, he needs to stop doing that, because he’s too cute when he pouts.

            “Hey, I almost won,” Niall challenged, earning looks of disbelief from everyone else in the room. What they didn’t know, is that Niall was telling the truth. If Niall hadn’t opened his mouth to get me to tease him one last time, he would have won the bet.

            “Well almost doesn’t win bets, does it Nialler?” Louis snapped at Niall. Obviously he wasn’t taking this too well. “You had one job Niall, just one job; to get Alex to sleep with you before you slept with her, and you couldn’t even do that.”

            “Geez guys, way to make us not sound like a bunch of sex crazed maniacs,” I commented.

            “Well it’s not like you guys are all innocent either. I bet you guys did it more than a dozen times in that hotel room,” El jokes… but Niall and I say nothing.

            “Oh. My. God,” several people say, looking at us like we’re animals that are carrying diseases.

            “I feel so sorry for the maid that had to clean that hotel room,” Perrie jokes, making Niall and I blush. I think I’m more embarrassed now than when Niall and I started this whole bet.

            “My poor nephew,” Harry adds, shaking his head. “Guys how could you do that? He was in the next room?”

            “He was sleeping,” I replied. “It’s not like we did it with him in the same room while he was awake.”

            “Yeah, but I bet with you two having fun, he wasn’t sleeping for long,” Zayn said, letting out a chuckle.

            “Hey, we know how to be quiet,” Niall shot back.

Let There Be Love: Sequel to We Found Love (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now