Chapter 3

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*after 3 Minutes of driving to school the group arrived at the school's parking lot*

{the girls went out of the car first and there they saw their two friends waiting for them at the entrance of the school, they immediately run to their two friends and Mizuki started talking while the three boys follow the two girls smiling while walking}

Mizuki: Hey you two! I thought you guys are busy today to even wait for us to arrive??

Hanuel: Well we have time this morning but only this morning because were going home after our morning snack break later right Haru?

Haru: Neh unnie is right were going somewhere later after our morning snack break...

Hanuel: Looks like someone's quiet today huh~ Yah Aera what are you thinking about???

Aera: Huh what? Oh no nothing i'm not thinking of anything to be exact..

Haru: Uh huh? You sure girl you look like you have been into work lately.....

Aera: What? No i'm not even working i'm just in deep thoughts of something...

Mizuki: Oooooh so you are thinking of something and not nothing? *smirks*

{The three girls laugh at Aera because they love teasing her, while the boys just stand there minding their own business}

Aera: Aish you three are starting again! Whatever i'm going to class now bye!

{when Chanwoo heard Aera is gonna go first to class he immediately reacted because this is his time to be alone with her}

Chanwoo: Hey Aera wait! I'll go with you!

{while the three girls and two boys sees that move of Chanwoo they were shocked because this is the first time Chanwoo did this to anyone... but of course Mizuki, Dowon, and Hyukjin knows why his doing this but still they choose to be quiet and prentended they don't know whats going on, but as for Mizuki it's just her thing to tease Aera}

Hanuel: Whoaaaaa what was that move of Chanwoo it's kind of wierd..

Haru: I know right

Mizuki: Yeah i agree

Haru: Hey Hyukjin and Dowon do you guys know anything about this???

Hyukjin: Wh-what? No of course not why would i?

Dowon: Yea why would we know?

Haru: Oh nothing

Hanuel: But uhm does Chanwoo like Aera??

Dowon: I don't know

Hyukjin: I don't know too

{after Dowon and Hyukjin said that sentence they went off and go to class while the three girls are still at the entrance but soon they entered their classess}

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